What do you do for a living?



  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    Currently a PR executive and sit at a desk fidgeting for most of the day! When meetings are involved I avoid the tubes and do the long walks around London!

    Soon moving to a PR/Events role... Very excited but going to be on the road a lot more... Hoping all the hotels i'll be staying in will have a gym and I can avoid the food /sigh.

    My current role has slowed down massively and I think about food a lot. I've been promised non-stop in my new job so hopefully no time to think about snacking!
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    unemployed at the moment…so being in the house all day, with a kitchen full of food, doesn't seem to be helping!

    anyone hiring? :happy:

    Ditto :frown:

    Although I no longer have a kitchen full of food. Lack of monies to restock and only healthier stuff in there helps that :smile:
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    I am in the U.S. Army and currently deployed. Being a Soldier does help me lose weight, but the food that is served on deployment makes it very hard as I get older. All the food is over-processed and all comes frozen. The healthier options are very bland and the better tasting food has horrible nutritional value. It makes it very hard for me because I am used to very delicious, well prepared meals at home. My wife is a great chef and has spoiled me.

    Thank you for your service - You're a great American!!!

    Absolutely. THANK YOU!!!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm a writer.

    I do spend a lot of time sitting down - too much, and I don't often have the chance to get up and move around - but I'm not going to say it hinders my weight loss. If it does, it's my fault. I work very long hours sitting down, but I still have at least half an hour a day I can fit in some exercise, and most of the time I do.
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    Psychotherapist, who funnily enough has helped hundreds of people with their food / exercise / self esteem issues! It sort of helps to understand emotional eating, but sitting down all day is not so good:laugh:
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm in the car business and it's very hard for me. I have a tough time eating lunch and dinner at normal times and I used to eat dinner when I would get home after 10 p.m.

    But now, I am determined and committed to eating at normal times. I bring lunch and dinner so eating at "normal" times is easier. Plus, since I'm a morning person, I am able to do some cardio on my stationary bike at home and get to the gym the three mornings a week that I am off. I'm seeing results so I'm pretty pleased at the change.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm a receptionist/admin assistant - so yes, I'm at a desk majority of the day, but I'm backwards and forwards from my main desk to the reception a lot, and bringing the post/parcels etc through to my main desk, so I can be busy, but some days I don't move from my desks that much - although when I first started here, I was just the receptionist so didnt do a lot apart from sit and answer the phone - but now my jobs a bit more in depth (dealing with clients, helping with toxicology, booking in samples, couriers etc etc) every day is a bit different :)
  • lanline
    lanline Posts: 5
    I work as a chauffeur for a CEO. I drive him from his home to work 45minutes each way, to meetings and run errands for him and his family. I go get lunch for the office everyday. The company owns multiple different restaurant franchises, so we have anything from fast food to white table cloth dining meals in the office, 5 days a week. I've learned that I can eat Fast Food and be healthy and from the other restaurants, I eat from the gluten free menu to keep calories down and then request no cheeses, sour cream or other high fast items.

    Imagine being on your diet and having to pick-up food for 5-10 people everyday and smell the food in the car and sit near the table where all the food is laid out. It took me about 5 months to work thru the temptations.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Oh, and being a Barista doesn't hinder my weight loss, as such, but it makes it harder. When I am off from work, I eat better, but at work, our drinks and food tempt me. Drinks, not so bad - I usually get a caramel light or short soya which works out at just over 100 calories, but it's wasted calories that I wouldn't have if I wasn't at work. Also, our food! The pastry case just smells so good to me, and I get 50% off food. Basically all of our food is junk and it tempts me. I'm on my feet for 7/8/9 hours, though, so it's good I'm not sitting down.
  • cbcw1964
    cbcw1964 Posts: 46
    I am a work at home mom...I have my own shop on Etsy (www.etsy.com/shop/thebigoh) and I make and sell all sorts of items...from stained glass panels to custom sewing, purses, wallets, rugs and jewelry. It makes it hard...the temptation to snack is always there....but I am gaining more control day by day!
  • ubermagee
    ubermagee Posts: 57
    I work as a receptionist in the city, but I'm often running around sorting out teas and coffees for events, so I walk around a fair bit. Also, they do big bowls of fruit in the lobby so I have that when I'm feeling bored-peckish.
  • cflec1
    cflec1 Posts: 60 Member
    medical transcriptionist, sitting 7-8 hours a day at computer.
  • Jamie2007
    Jamie2007 Posts: 169
    In IT - Exchange Administrator - generally SIT all day long!
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Engineer at an electroplating plant. Hinders more than helps - just because I put in 9-10 hour days plus 45+ minute drive each way, so it takes extra effort to be healthy because I'm learning that apparently nothing convenient is healthy.
  • whs7771
    whs7771 Posts: 13 Member
    Wine buyer/ Analyst. I spend most of my day at the computer. I make it a point to get up and stretch every couple of hours. Somebody is always filling the candy bowl with all sorts of temptations.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    helps, big time. exhausted myself into severe rhabdomyolysis and kidney failure once.
  • greeneyes191
    greeneyes191 Posts: 78 Member
    Legal Assistant so lot's of chair time. I have figured out that if I walk around our parking lot 5 times, it's a mile. So around I go at lunch time. Helps to relieve some of the stress and boredom of being attached to my chair all day. Not to mention good exercise and keeps me envigorated for the afternoon.
  • LilmamaPipes
    Stay at home mom to 5 & Mamaw to 1. Also wife of Tj on here lol. I stay pretty busy with 4 kids in school, plus my oldest daughter and her son at home. I do have time to work out during the day, but I normally wait and work out with TJ when he comes home. :)
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    Drug dealer. serious. definatley hinders.

    Me too! Well...pharmacy technician actually. :) I'm on my feet all day and it does help. In addition, I spend my work day counting out prescription medications for people with serious health issues...some that could have been avoided by a healthier lifestyle. It encourages me a great deal with my current efforts.
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    I'm a screenwriter, so the sitting is almost constant. Sometimes I take part-time jobs in retail so I'll be on my feet. And sometimes I look at those treadmill desks and slobber with jealousy...