
I have lost 15lbs since starting MFP.. previously i lost 10lbs. I worked really hard and stayed on track to lose that weight since i started MFP..And then since i started school it has been hard for me to balance it all and i know its not an excuse!! I logged on today and seen that i was 15lbs from my 30 lbs mark and my goal was july 6th. Instead of just pushing myself harder i feel discouraged and really mad at myself for not reaching my goal. My ultimate goal is too look good by my 21st bday:) I just need some serious motivation!! and maybe people who are in the same situation and can tell me things to try to fit exercise into my schedule. :) MFP has really helped me and its not just the site but the people that keep you motivated..Thank you guys soo much!! Feel free to add me :)


  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    maybe your goal was a little unrealistic. losing weight too fast isn't healthy.
  • skinnyminimoni
    Don't get discouraged! Just remember how far you've come already. 15 pounds, gone forever!

    I know it's hard to fit exercise in with school--trust me, that's how I gained my freshman-15-and-then-some--bu simple things like walking or biking to class, going to the rec center for an hour after all your classes are over, even renting a workout DVD from the library for a week are great and affordable ways to keep fit.
  • amberdaniels
    I have a hard time with the exercise thing...Eating right is actually somewhat easy for me (except when it is that time of the months). However, my hubby and I have only one truck, he has to have it for work. I can not work out outside cause of the heat, sooooo, I have a step in my house. I do step ups on it for a while, only about 5 or 10 minutes. I also have weights and bands and I use them with different exercises a physical theripest (sic) gave me. Finally, in my area my cable company has a Exercise on Demand channel. They have really great 5-15 minute workouts. You have to stay motivated. Instead of sitting there watching tv, grab some weights and do lunges while watching tv.

    Don't be discouraged. You are doing great. We all hit our moments of frustration and "what am I doing wrong" thinking. Just keep pushing through...I have been working at this for 3 years. I have lost 35 lbs but I still have 45 or 50 to go. You just have to decide to do it. So get up off that chair and do it darlin.

    Have a blessed day!

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The only failure is when we quit trying. :smile:
    It's okay that you didn't reach your goal. Sometimes we learn more from those times than when things go just as planned. Take a look at what happened and see what you can do to improve, then adjust your goal and move forward. And be ready and excited to party on your 21st with a body you love, no matter what, because you've done your very best
  • lanline
    lanline Posts: 5
    My experience with MFP is the calories burned coupled with the food intake. I've been biking regularly and the boost from biking (mentally and seeing the calories burned) really helps me. My advice for myself was to cut intake and increase calories burned. It's worked for me both mentally and pounds shed.

    Good luck.
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58

    You CAN'T get discouraged - choose NOT to :) Just remember that you can always start over tomorrow. Since you're in school, remember the walks around campus and/or work count as calories. If you carry a bookbag, those are weights and adds more resistance. So you are working some of your muscles, just not in a deliberate manner.

    Going forward, try to be more deliberate in your walking, then log that time to count your calories burned. Also, if you have a game console, try to pick up one of the many interactive exercise games. If you have cable with On-Demand, they usually have an exercise station - look and see if you can try a 15 min workout to get your morning started.

    If you' tend to get up at the last moment, you will NEED to start your day sooner, so that you can fit a workout in before you leave the house. This is what I had to do to stop my excuses - just get up earlier :)

    If you still feel you can't make more time to exercise, then you'll need to pay more attention to what you're eating. The best way to handle this is to PREPARE your foods the NIGHT BEFORE! Buy some ziplock bags and pack up your fruits, sandwich, etc before you go to bed. While you're on campus, you'll always have a healthy snack ready.

    Finally, reevaluate your current situation. If you know you're too busy to do as you once did, then put your lifestyle to sedentary and recalculate your daily calorie intake. Then based on your mental commitment, set a new weight goal based on losing .5 or 1 lb a week.

    I hope this helps you out! Just remember you can always start over any moment of your day! You don't have to wait until tomorrow....SMILE :smile:
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Being mad at yourself won't do anything to correct yesterday. There is only one thing that can correct yesterday and that is nothing. Today is a new day. When midnight comes, I have a whole new 1790 calories on my home page. A whole new 24 hours to make good choices. Yesterday never happened for me. When I step on a scale after a night of debauchery, it's like the first day of my weight loss journey. I changed my ticker to pounds to go because I'd rather look to the future than rest on my laurels. I've lost over 40 pounds, big deal, I have 104 pounds yet to lose. The 44 pounds I've lost aren't as important to me as the 104 pounds I haven't lost yet.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Well said Paul; very well said!
  • JessieAnneMarie
    Thank you guys! This really helped me!!
  • bossymom
    bossymom Posts: 41 Member
    Paul, that's exactly how I approach it,too. :) I have weak moments....most of the time I can overcome those, but some days, I seemingly cannot. The following morning is a brand new start. I forgive myself for the previous day (and sometimes WEEK!), and move forward. Good advice,Paul!