sparks787 Member


  • You're right, it's just the same for straight women, the number of times i've been told 'you'd be ok looking if you were slimmer' - and let's not even talk about the 'feeder' creeps. you know women aren't (very) mean to men who are overweight - or baldy, so what strikes me here is that it is MEN who make women feel bad…
  • Hi. Again, lose the weight for you. It sounds like you always had a downer on yourself and you blamed it on being overweight. Your ex knew that, he knew how to put you down. Lose the weight for your health for your happiness, for yourself. Love yourself now, you deserve love, fat or thin remember that the essential you is…
  • Dear sparks, I could care less if I offend you, but I suggest taking a basic nutrition course if you think of foods in terms as simplistic as "good" and "bad". [/quote] Dear whierd, oh, where to start.... Do you always have to be right? All I know is that I was clinically depressed for 10 years, I ate loads of fast food…
  • False. They contain carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. All of which does the body good. And often are garnished with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, etc. [/quote] Dear whierd, erm, I don't want to offend you (really I don't) but if you think a big mac and fries is good food, and you also think that fat people are…
  • It's not a conspiracy theory to say that fast food (aka JUNK food) contains nothing much that does the body good. You know about nutrition, so why is it that the High Streets are full of franchises for big fast food companies, why are they not full of green grocers and wholefood shops? By the way, you have some very loyal…
  • ] Because she is one of my friends on here and was entirely unnecessary for you to talk trash about her picture because she posted a link to an article you disagreed with. How old are you, 13? [/quote] Dear MB Actually I am on the same page with otterluv as regards the article. Again, if she is not offended why do you take…
  • Dear Sarauk, So you speak for science?? Dear MB and 3 dogs, Of course I don't look fit, or slim, or great in any way, I wouldn't be here if I did. If Otterluv is not offended then why are you?
  • You're very funny Brainy
  • facepalm my buttocks
  • Dear Brainy, 1. The documentary was on BBC but you can find it on you tube 2. Clearly you are in the 'a calorie is a calorie' camp, 'calories in/calories out'. I disagree, I find the evidence for low nutrition, high fat, high sugar, highly processed food being poisonous and addictive totally convincing. You may disagree,…
  • dear whierd, I don't think i agree with you here, and i've heard enough of 'blame the fatties for their problems' i see the restaurants that are 'pushing' large portions as just like drug dealers, tempting their customers to buy more and more. Of course nobody else puts the food in our mouth, but it's not that simple and I…
  • What does bump mean? Please tell me, I am new and I keep seeing this word in the posts???
  • Sorry, don't know how to make links to websites, does anybody know? You'll just have to type it all out if you want to see the site.:smile:
  • Here's a link to some no fat cakes. I've made the banana one and it is yummy and you get a decent size slice. I divide it into 12 at 121 calories per slice, so that if I have enough calories left, I can eat 2 slices. I'm not vegan, so I put in ordinary milk, I put…
  • Hi Mandy and hi to all newbies. I have just joined up, my name is Sara and I live in south manchester
  • Hi, my name is Sara and I have just joined mfp. Would love to connect with other veggies to share recipes, I try to do raw vegan as much as poss - not always easy!