Vegetarians and vegans!!! Get your sweet *kitten* over here!



  • HaleyxErin
    HaleyxErin Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not vegetarian yet but I hope to be soon, not easy when you still live with your parents and they love meat lol, but I try to be meatless most days.
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    I need help finding some great meat free recipes
    we love flavored and spice
    and I have to satisfy and picky husband
    can anyone send me recipes they love?
  • MFish89
    As someone stated earlier, I am not a vegetarian, but I recently started a new diet that is really a meal plan for life that I never plan on quitting. It makes me feel like I am however turning into one. But I am a sucker for meat. However, if you are interested go to it is the meal plan followed by the legendary family of Jiu-jitsu, the Gracie family, for over 65 years. Long story short, you do not have to follow everything they say, but if you are a vegetarian, they DEFINITELY have recipes you will enjoy!

    My personal favorite - The Renergy Sandwich
    2 slices whole grain bread, toasted
    1 tbls of almond butter
    1/2 of an avocado
    Sear a handful of spinach leaves in a pan

    Put it all on the bread and enjoy!

    Also, add me if you would like because I have been looking for a lot of veggie recipes just because they are so healthy and fit my meal plan so well.
  • sparks787
    sparks787 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, my name is Sara and I have just joined mfp. Would love to connect with other veggies to share recipes, I try to do raw vegan as much as poss - not always easy!
  • monikariney
    monikariney Posts: 5 Member
    @MFish89--Thank you!!

    Hi to everyone else too. I've been vegetarian for about 4 years and have been vegan off and on during that time. I've committed to eating vegan during the month of September, and will see if I take it from there. I love how alive and light I feel when I eliminate dairy and eggs.

    I still have trouble finding things to eat, especially for quick snacks. I avoid packaged food, so very little Amy's for me.
    I have about 8 good cookbooks that I spend time thumbing through.
    What I need most are recipes that are #1 yummy, #2 easy to make, #3 have easily obtained ingredients.
  • leaaa92
    leaaa92 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey! I have been vegan for about a month now so the more vegan friends I can get, the better :) I try to get most of my protein from tofu, beans, greens, nuts, and chia seeds. I usually meet my needs but when I have a rigorous workout, I like to have a plant based protein shake. Feel free to add me, all! :smile:
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    lol hi I am vegan feel free to add :)