

  • As long as you're making sure you eat enough (which sounds like you are), that shouldn't be a big problem. You're body will adjust in the next few days to weeks. I won't get into the science of how it works, unless you want to hear about it. What we tell parents of kids on adderall is to take drug holidays on the weekends;…
  • Welcome Rob, I am sorry to hear about your wife, but glad you have joined up here. Taking care of your family is a powerful motivator to lose weight, and like you said, failure is not an option. Talking to your physician about your exercise regimen would be a good idea depending on what meds you're on to control your blood…
  • In addition to the nutrients everyone has mentioned, the chocolate also contains theobromine, which is a chemical similar to caffeine, but works on a much smaller scale. It acts to somewhat relax smooth muscle and dilate blood vessels, making it easier for your heart to pump blood and give it a break post-workout. Like…
  • My wife and I (mostly her) make a baked bbq chicken that's pretty good. Take a boneless, skinless chicken breast, sprinkle it with cajun seasoning, cook it about 75-90% in the oven, then cook it the rest of the way in a low cal bbq sauce. I'm a big fan, obviously.
  • Those sound Ah-mazing! I'll definitely try them this weekend.
  • Sorry, I guess I didn't explain my intentions well. I was just curious as to what others listen to, in order to try to change things up a bit, and perhaps to see if there is anyone that might be listening to the same stuff I've been. Those are all good songs though, I love running to A-Ha
  • Those are all really good ideas, thanks! I'll have to try some of them. For the super lean beef, how do you grill 'em (or prepare them another way) and keep them moist?
  • I suppose I should have mentioned what I listen to when I started this thread, for lifting I like hard core heavy metal, and rap. As far as running and other cardio, I'm a sucker for uptempo 80's synthesized pop rock and new wave.
  • I'm in the same boat. The Military says I have to be, at most, 202 based on my height (6ft), problem is that doesn't account for my college lineman frame. Good news for me is, that if I don't get there they do some measurements for body fat %. I say go till you like what the guy in the mirror looks like unless you have to…
  • Having a one serving at a time of chips containing Olean won't hurt you. It works in a simmilar fashion as Alli does in that it blocks absorption of fats into the body. However since the fat isn't going into your body it goes into your large intestine some of it gets eaten by bacteria which can cause excess gas. The rest…
    in OLEAN Comment by AFWinter April 2011