

  • Hurt my knee at training on Tuesday night, puts a bit of a dampner on things, probably can't run for 2 weeks. Will have to work on abs and arms or something! Don't feel like I have lost anything - scales are broken, need to get new batteries. Oh well, just got to keep plowing along. Good luck everyone!
    in Hello Comment by tashfaux February 2013
  • Hope you had a nice Valentines Dinner - my husbands car broke down on his way home for his days off, had to drive and pick him up (bit over an hour each way), got home just before midnight, so pretty crappy on my end! You will have to try and have a drink of water instead of a cookie through the night!! My weekend was…
    in Hello Comment by tashfaux February 2013
  • Ok, I am paying today, calves and hips are killing me!!! Thank God I don't have another session until Saturday morning!!! Food was under the nett calories, but I would like to keep under my calorie limit regardless of excercise. But that's ok, today is a new day, so I guess just move on and start again. Haven't weighed in…
    in Hello Comment by tashfaux February 2013
  • OK, note to self, have a nice "green" salad, but you can't have avocado, egg AND meat - not many calories left for dinner tonight!!!
    in Hello Comment by tashfaux February 2013
  • Morning girls, Did my first session yesterday - hill runs on day one!!! OMG, nearly spewed twice!!! Just have to keep focussing on the finish line I guess!! Good luck for today! Tash
    in Hello Comment by tashfaux February 2013
  • I'm 40 and just started a 10 week challenge to loose weight and get fit - I just started a group on here to help with accountability, feel free to come and join: GROUP NAME: 10 weeks 11 Feb to 21 April
  • I have just started a group to help with the 10 week challenge I am going, feel free to come and join! GROUP NAME: 10 weeks 11 Feb to 21 April
  • Im in too - starting today - getting help with Haley Bateup's Body Blitz, starting that this afternoon, and back onto logging my food - 42 pounds (had to go and convert that, work in kg but anyway!!) have to go. Figured by forking out some money might motivate me or I will feel guilty to not show up. Anyway, all add me and…
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