

  • I've seen great results with P90X. I got bored with 30 day shred, I didn't like doing the same workout everyday, although they were intense. P90X lets you do a different workout everyday and then you even change the schedule every few weeks. I will warn you that a lot of people hate Tony, I don't mind him personally, but…
  • I use my HRM for all the workouts and log them as cardio so I see the burned calories. If you don't have a HRM I suppoes you would have to guess based on how hard you worked. I average about 900 calories per workout. Of course you can always log the strength workouts as what the are, I just find that tedious on MFP plus…
  • I think you mean half your body weight IN OUNCES a day. If I drank half my body weight a day that would be over 13 gallons a day. I do agree with the half your body weight in ounces though. I don't drink as much water on the weekends and notice my weight is usually at least a couple pounds higher on Monday compare to…
  • It depends on what you're trying to achieve. More reps with less weight will give you leaner muscles (12-15 reps/set) whereas fewer reps with heavier weight (8-10 reps/set) will result in bulkier muscles.