

  • I have read a lot about the beneficial properties of Turmeric, it is supposed to also be a potent anti inflammatory. I actually take a Turmeric supplement daily (as does my dog) which is supposed to help maintain joint health and minimize inflammation. You may find this website very interesting:…
  • I love this recipe and it freezes great! :)
  • Personally I love Zuzka Light, she has a ton of videos on Youtube, I think she is an awesome inspiration!
  • Wow! thanks for this useful info, I train hard in the gym with weights and know that they burn calories, i may go back and change what i logged in the weight section and move to the cardio for the last week just to make myself feel better!!
  • Personally I have always done cardio first, to me that really gets my body warmed up before I do anything else, but I see some people in the gym do the reverse, so not sure if it is a personal choice, but to me it makes sense to warm up first :)
  • Here are a few I have kept from another thread on this topic:…
  • This is a great supplement that I take, I highly recommend! :)
  • I find it a real effort to do cardio sometimes but I love doing weights. I think this article will be of interest to you :)
  • Here are a few recipes you could cook then take a small container to work to have, that is what I do. I make a huge batch and freeze them in small bags. A nice chunky soup is a great way to fill up too. I have made this a few times and it…