campoje Member


  • I am totally hopping in on this! I'm on Week 2, but I could use some motivation. I'm probably going to have to repeat Week 2 anyway! I ran for the first time outside in my major city on a busy foot trail. I looked and sounded like an injured bear - red face, huffing and puffing. I had to remind myself that I'm doing this…
  • Woah, man. I hadn't been on the site in a few weeks (yeah... well). And suddenly you're at 30 lbs down! I'm totally in awe of you. Keep up the good work!
  • I just started the program yesterday! Don't know if it's too late to join in! I downloaded an app and it was great. I'm liking this sore-ab feeling today.
  • I'm in a long distance relationship, too. Last time I saw my boyfriend, a year ago (he also lives in Africa), I was about 15 pounds thinner. I'm visiting him in June, so my motivation level to lose the weight has definitely gone up. I know it won't matter to him, either way, but it would be nice nevertheless for my own…
  • I can't resist... weight loss and the Doctor. Nine is my doctor of choice. If only he were my weight-loss coach.