gffs Member


  • Publix started selling these wonderful oatmeal cookies called Alyssa's Healthy Oatmeal Bites. 2 cookies are 90 calories. It's like a yummy oatmeal in portable form.
  • If you're craving chocolate regularly, you may be low in magnesium. I was a chocolate addict before I started taking magnesium daily (250 - 1000 mg/day). Now, I only eat a piece once in a while and I can stop at just one or two pieces. Americans are often low in magnesium which also can help your bowel movements. You'll…
    in Sweet snack Comment by gffs May 2018
  • An orange, or a piece of dark chocolate, or a Healthy Oatmeal Bite, etc. However, I've noticed as I've reduced the amount of sugar in my diet (NOT substituted with fake sugar) that I crave sweets less and less.
  • I love my Tabbouleh (or Tabouli), especially during the summer months. 2 Cups cooked and cooled quinoa 1-2 Cup chopped parsley (I love parsley) 1/2 Cup chopped scallions or green onions 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh mint (or 1 tsp. dried) 2 diced tomatoes 1/2 cucumber, diced small 1/2 Cup fresh lemon juice 1/4 Cup extra virgin…
  • Did they say a pound of muscle weights more than an pound of fat? If not, you're adding things in your head and that's why you get peeved. It is understood (for most people) that we mean volume. That 2 women with the same measurements can weight different amounts due to their amount of muscle. Hope this reduces your…
    in Pet Peeve Comment by gffs February 2011
  • One of the reasons women tend to crave chocolate is that we also tend to be lacking in magnesium. Chocolate is very high in magnesium. It won't stop the cravings entirely, but it can take some of the edge off. And make sure you have plenty of low calorie snacks ready to grab before the cravings hit you. And pay attention…
  • Yes, I take it. Take D3. You can buy it at Swanson Vitamins or Puritan Pride vtamins online or from any health food store, most grocery stores, Target, .... You might also try getting out in the sun for at least 10 minutes a day.
    in Vitamin D Comment by gffs February 2011
  • My friend had this problem. I told her to start taking magnesium and now she no longer has the problem. You can get magnesium tablets at any health food store, some groceries, and online (Swanson Vitamins or Puritan Pride Vitamins). Start with 500 mg twice daily (once at night and once in the morning). You especially need…
  • It matters which fruit you eat. Try to eat the ones that are low glycemic like cherries instead of a banana. Also, if you have it with a little fat, that will slow the digestion and won't raise your blood sugars so fast (banana and peanut butter, apple and cheddar cheese, strawberries and milk/cream)
    in FRUIT Comment by gffs February 2011
  • Are you looking to replace the caffeine or do you just need something to drink. For just thinks to drink other than coke: - Water (regular or carbonated) with a little juice (lemon, grapefruit, orange, cranberry, guava, etc) - Make a gallon of herbal tea and put it in the fridge (or regular tea if you want caffeine) I…