Phoenyx01 Member


  • Welcome aboard! I just got back myself after rising from the ashes once again.
  • It could be the beginning of Tennis Elbow. I had a similar problem once. Can you do lateral raises with that arm? if not then that might be the case.
  • And here I was just looking forward to my Free day! But I think there might be a few high caloric beverages involved, if you know what I mean!
  • Congrats on your new Journey! I just recently got back on track myself. Everyone feel free to add me as well, all my old friends have stopped using MFP :-/ Together we will succeed!
  • Try to shoot for 5% carbs for your daily caloric intake, Consume 1g protein for every pound of lean body mass you have (or your desired lean body mass), and eat lots of Fat enriched foods, but try to get as much of the good fat that you can (ie. polyunsaturated) But also stay within your desired deficit. That should get…
  • I would also suggest that you are getting the proper nutrients. With your low caloric intake, I would suggest supplementation. Getting enough fat? You need to eat fat to burn fat. Try taking omega 3 pills if you can, make sure you have a good multivitamin! This should also help your metabolic health! Hope that helps!
  • You could also use your birthday as a free day. I have been giving myself a free day each week, but honestly it has really been a free meal the way I have been doing it. In one meal, i.e. birthday dinner, have what you want, and then use that guilt to strengthen your resolve! So just treat your birthday like a going away…