

  • Love the second one! The picked up skirt makes your waist look TINY!!! Everyone's right though, you look gorg in both!!
  • I don't really think there is anyway to spot tone or lose weight in a certain area, but you are right, losing weight overall will definitely help. I'm sure getting in some good leg workouts and toning your calves couldn't hurt :)
    in cAnkles Comment by nsavard21 April 2011
  • I found that if I was really struggling on a new week, I'd just repeat the week from before and then try again. You'd be surprised at how much easie it gets!! Don't give up, once you get your stride you will absolutely love it!
  • Red Deer, Alberta!!
  • Thank you for the breakdown...that makes so much sense!!
  • I'm in love with making pancakes out of oatmeal, they sound gross, but they are really very good!! 1/3 cup oats 1/3 cup cottage cheese 3 egg whites Then just blend it all together and make a pancake like you normally would. This recipe makes one pancake. You can also add in cinnamon or cocoa, I like to put a bit of peanut…
  • I got a great recipe for a protein pancake that looks yucky, but believe me, it's yummy! 1/3 cup oats 1/3 cup cottage cheese 3 egg whites blend it all together until it looks like pancake batter and then cook it like you would a pancake, you can also add some cinnamon or cocoa for flavor. I like to put some peanut butter…
  • Weight training is great, it will actually help you shed additional pounds. Lean muscle gives your metabolism a boost so you'll be getting more toned but it'll help the scale keep moving as well!