

  • Hi there! I will add my name to the list of people looking to share motivation/support :)
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi I would love to be part of your support system too. I have been in Ontario Canada for almost a year now and have also been dreading the winter months - I have been working outside since the spring and am worried I will find it hard to stay motivated when confined to the indoors.
  • Hi Liz, I just signed up and am hoping that this site and some moral support will help me beat the last few pounds into submission! Feel free to add me :)
  • I know exactly what you mean about stress eating - stress eating while at uni caused me to gain a lot of weight, I am trying to undo that now...
  • Hi I am also new! I really agree with your view that it's a lifestyle change. My hope is that if I make these changes now, then it will be an easy transition to living a health life post diet! Hopefully this is the last time I will ever have to lose so much weight (bar future babies!) Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi I am 22 and have lost around 30pounds so far but the last fifteen or so are really giving me trouble. I am looking for some moral support from people who know what it is like to be tired and struggle with exercise goals. I don't know about the rest of you but I am looking forward to some positive reinforcement rather…
  • I know the feeling, it is so hard to stay strong and commit to fitness/diet goals! I can't count the number of times I have said or thought 'right.... It starts tomorrow, tomorrow I will watch what I eat and start exercising' the next day I am back to square one thinking the same thing. In February I went on diet shakes as…