I'm new!! Looking for support

Hey everyone, I've been a member for a while, just never really used the app/website! But for the past few weeks I have been super motivated! On Tuesday I will have changed my lifestyle for three weeks and am LOVING it... My only problem is when I was in my early 20's I suffered from bulimia and find it hard to not resort back to that on days when I went for the yam fries rather then the salad. Just looking for some advice anyone can offer. Also, looking to lose 105 lbs by next summer. :) any pointers on how to manage that? I would love to start running but the winter months intimidate me being from Ontario, Canada... I have joined a local gym that won't be finished being built till Dec. So I am on the right track just looking to help support others and reciece
Support from others so I can avoid the guilt associated with bulimia and get myself healthy! :):)


  • Toofatforshirts
    Toofatforshirts Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there, I would love to be a part of your support system. My name is Victor and I don't like to give advice, but I will share my experience, strength and hope. I have a hard time not being motivated in the winter. This fall and winter I am going to dedicate myself to home DVDs like Leslie Sansone / 5 mile walk and hip hop abs 1-5 / Shawn T. and eat right and try not to go over my calories. It's hard for me but doable.
  • Elieplo
    Hey guys :)

    My name is Elisabeth and I've been trying to lose weight for a while. For the first time in many years i've actually managed to lose some, and MFP has really helped me. My biggest struggle is that I'm stuck in a food rut, I really need to start varying my diet now.

    I'd love to be part of your support system, and I also still need all the help I can get, so feel free to add me anyone :)
  • lauriewhittem
    Hi Elisabeth! Good luck! I am just starting and I have a long journey ahead ... one day, one meal, one workout at a time and we all can get to our goals!!
  • OrkLady
    I would love to be part of your support system too. I have been in Ontario Canada for almost a year now and have also been dreading the winter months - I have been working outside since the spring and am worried I will find it hard to stay motivated when confined to the indoors.
  • kikidee12
    Hi there, I would love to be a part of your support system. My name is Victor and I don't like to give advice, but I will share my experience, strength and hope. I have a hard time not being motivated in the winter. This fall and winter I am going to dedicate myself to home DVDs like Leslie Sansone / 5 mile walk and hip hop abs 1-5 / Shawn T. and eat right and try not to go over my calories. It's hard for me but doable.
    Love Leslie Sansone's walk at home series!! Great way to get your walk in on bad weather days...
  • smithangela99
    My name is Angela and I would love to join your support system. I've been trying to lose weight for a while but sometimes lack the motivation so I need all the help that I can get
  • stephiesmit
    Hi, my name is Stephanie. I have been using MFP consistently (again) since July. I have never formally been diagnosed with bulimia, but have had the behaviors intermittently since being a teen. It is a struggle every day not to just binge and then purge. I completely understand. I have been struggling with the fact that I have become so restricted with my calorie intake. I would love to be part of your suport system and would love to add people to mine.

    When I read your post my biggest concern, and what will push you towards the bulimia, is the fact that your are setting suck a big goal. It is always best to set small step goals so that you are able to celebrate your achievements along the way instead of only kicking yourself for not being at the end result. (Sorry if my medical/psychology education just came out there).

    All of us can do this with the support of others. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. That invitation is to anyone that reads this.

    We've got this!!!!
  • Mindfreak1999
    You have come to the right site. I have some amazing friends who support and watch over me.

    Good luck on your journey to get fit and lead a healthier lifestyle
