CharleneJ14 Member


  • I'm sorry, I just saw that. That is entirely unhelpful to her situation. I'm not trying to be mean about it, but it doesn't help at all.
  • I would do something to keep my mind off it.. Whenever I do that, if I'm not really hungry and I just want something to satisfy a craving, I crochet or read. It keeps my hands and mind busy. If that doesn't work, chew on a piece of cal free gum for a little bit. It keeps your mouth busy at least.
  • lightly active.. when i was at sedentary it gave me only 1200
  • lol. idk. it ranges from potato soup to wet burritos. i always try to eat as little as possible of the high cal meals but she's a good cook and i love those dishes lol. what some of you are saying is i need to eat more? so snack more during the day on like fruits and low cal items? i'd say veggies but i don't like them so…
  • i tend to have a bagel or something of the sort for breakfast.. lunch i'm lucky to eat most of the time. and then whatever my mom makes for dinner which always has meat.. it's like southern cooking with a twist i guess.. if i'm at work i'll have a fruit salad or yogurt.. i'm starting to think i eat too little...
  • my calories are set at 1230. I tend to eat around that amount. i stopped going to the gym a few months back because i was discouraged but have recently started up again and plan on going at least 3 times a week. but i am also on my feet for 4-8 hours a day at my job so i know i'm burning calories that way as well. i eat…
  • the funny thing is, i eat the healthiest in my family. but my older sister did tell me that sleep affects your weight so i'm hoping that cutting my sleep down to 8 hours will help. and i'm cutting out fast food completely even if its only a once a week thing. thanks for your help though. i'll definitely start eating…
  • thank you for the suggestions! i feel better now. i'm going to start using the community more for support =)
  • you do look great ash. it's amazing how much you've lost in just a few months.