Healthy or Risky?

So, I've tried and tried and tried and nothing is working. I'm thinking of cutting down to fruits and yogurt and low fat cereal for breakfast and lunch and then just having a regular meal for dinner. I don't know if this is quite a good idea in terms of health or not so I'm asking for advice. What does everyone think?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    as long as you aren't vastly undereating with said plan, i don't see a problem with it. meal frequency is a personal preference
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I eat mainly fruits, vegetables and then grilled tilapia or chicken everyday. I find it quite filling, perhaps too filling since everyday MFP tells me to eat more.
  • If you are trying everything and nothing is working, I would suggest you take your food diary to your doctor (printed out) and find out if there is an under-lying health issue that is holding you back. Under eating is unhealthy for you, just like over eating is unhealthy. You won't lose weight if you don't fuel your body.
  • I don't think its a good idea. You're going to get really sick of fruit, yogurt, and cereal for breakfast and lunch. What do you have your daily calories set at?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    If you are trying everything and nothing is working, I would suggest you take your food diary to your doctor (printed out) and find out if there is an under-lying health issue that is holding you back. Under eating is unhealthy for you, just like over eating is unhealthy. You won't lose weight if you don't fuel your body.

  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    You can do that for a week, as long as you don't intend to do that long term :)

    Try eating more and smaller meals. Eating often helps me, I eat like 5 or so times a day and I seem to digest pretty quickly because of it.
  • Skeith5
    Skeith5 Posts: 89 Member
    How many calories are you eating every day? How much fat and sugar? Are you eating natural or more processed foods? How often do you exercise? Are you taking measurements? How long have you been on the program?

  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    How many calories are you eating every day? How much fat and sugar? Are you eating natural or more processed foods? How often do you exercise? Are you taking measurements? How long have you been on the program?


    Exactly...there are a lot of factors involved in things like this.
  • CharleneJ14
    CharleneJ14 Posts: 13 Member
    my calories are set at 1230. I tend to eat around that amount. i stopped going to the gym a few months back because i was discouraged but have recently started up again and plan on going at least 3 times a week. but i am also on my feet for 4-8 hours a day at my job so i know i'm burning calories that way as well. i eat home cooked meals the majority of the time. oh. and i've been doing this since february
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Cal goals? BMR?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    my calories are set at 1230. I tend to eat around that amount. i stopped going to the gym a few months back because i was discouraged but have recently started up again and plan on going at least 3 times a week. but i am also on my feet for 4-8 hours a day at my job so i know i'm burning calories that way as well. i eat home cooked meals the majority of the time. oh. and i've been doing this since february

    assuming your ticker is right, you should prob be cutting at closer to 1900ish cals then 1200ish
  • my calories are set at 1230. I tend to eat around that amount. i stopped going to the gym a few months back because i was discouraged but have recently started up again and plan on going at least 3 times a week. but i am also on my feet for 4-8 hours a day at my job so i know i'm burning calories that way as well. i eat home cooked meals the majority of the time. oh. and i've been doing this since february something?? My calories are set at 1910 and I do a descent job of eating most of those on a daily basis and I have lost 27 pounds since July 20th. If you don't eat more, your body will hold onto what you have with a DEATH GRIP. Starvation mode. That's what 1200 calories says to me.
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    Low fat cereal can have just as many calories and if not more sugar than fruit and yogurt. Low fat does not mean healthy, I think it's a gimmick. Coco Puffs had the healthy heart check until last year. Coco puffs, because it was "low fat". What are you eating now, besides fruit and yogurt, you said home cooked meals? I used to be the same size you are now when I was eating 1400 calories a day, but it was all pasta and bread. I cried and cried that I couldn't lose weight, until one day I really looked at what I was eating and decided to drastically cut down on grains.
  • CharleneJ14
    CharleneJ14 Posts: 13 Member
    i tend to have a bagel or something of the sort for breakfast.. lunch i'm lucky to eat most of the time. and then whatever my mom makes for dinner which always has meat.. it's like southern cooking with a twist i guess.. if i'm at work i'll have a fruit salad or yogurt.. i'm starting to think i eat too little...
  • Low fat cereal can have just as many calories and if not more sugar than fruit and yogurt. Low fat does not mean healthy, I think it's a gimmick. Coco Puffs had the healthy heart check until last year. Coco puffs, because it was "low fat". What are you eating now, besides fruit and yogurt, you said home cooked meals? I used to be the same size you are now when I was eating 1400 calories a day, but it was all pasta and bread. I cried and cried that I couldn't lose weight, until one day I really looked at what I was eating and decided to drastically cut down on grains.

    I've actually started considering doing this myself, but haven't made the jump yet. I love me some bread, but I don't want my *kitten* to look like a dimpled faccocia loaf the rest of my life either. You may have just pushed ME to do this!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    i tend to have a bagel or something of the sort for breakfast.. lunch i'm lucky to eat most of the time. and then whatever my mom makes for dinner which always has meat.. it's like southern cooking with a twist i guess.. if i'm at work i'll have a fruit salad or yogurt.. i'm starting to think i eat too little...

    Eek, bagels are pretty cal heavy while not filling you up (or maybe that is just me). Try lean protein like veggie meat replacement, beans, lean turkey or chicken. Fiber is good, too-- celery, apples, whole grain breads.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    First, get your thyroid checked. I have thyroid issues and they have to be dealt with for many reasons including weight loss. If you have thyroid issues, you will lose slower but you will lose. Honestly, I don't think you are eating enough calories. Things have changed from the old ways of thinking. You have to eat enough calories to keep your body out of starvation mode. If you are starving yourself, your body will cling on to just about every calorie you take in just for survival. I do follow the MFP guidelines for a steady stable one pound a week loss and so far I am on track. The only variation I make is I take in more protein grams when I can.
  • Its surprising how many people here don't know how to feed themselves enough food. Just eat more, you're just slowing down your metabolism and storing fat because you aren't eating enough.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    my calories are set at 1230. I tend to eat around that amount. i stopped going to the gym a few months back because i was discouraged but have recently started up again and plan on going at least 3 times a week. but i am also on my feet for 4-8 hours a day at my job so i know i'm burning calories that way as well. i eat home cooked meals the majority of the time. oh. and i've been doing this since february

    -keep up with the gym and try to get at least an hour in
    -being on your feet doesn't necessarily mean you are burning calories, it just means you are on your feet
    -all calories aren't the same, what type of homecooked meals are you eating-they can vary drastically in calorie and fat content-
  • CharleneJ14
    CharleneJ14 Posts: 13 Member
    lol. idk. it ranges from potato soup to wet burritos. i always try to eat as little as possible of the high cal meals but she's a good cook and i love those dishes lol.

    what some of you are saying is i need to eat more? so snack more during the day on like fruits and low cal items? i'd say veggies but i don't like them so thats out.