

  • It wouldn't hurt to get a check-up and have your throid evaluated. Hope all is well!
  • I know that alcohol, sugar, bread and pasta are not my friends. I made a promise to cut these things out, not forever, but atleast until I am disciplined enough to push back. I would log anything that goes in my mouth so that I can understand the affects of the foods and drinks I take in. It's not to badger myself, but to…
  • I've been very disciplined for 2 weeks and here are my successes that I am so proud of: 1. Put a pair of pants on and did not have to wiggle to get in them 2. No craving for sugar or alcohol (thought this would be the hardest change to make) 3. Consistently have worked out at 6:00am 4 days per week 4. Tracked all my intake…
  • I lost 60 pounds and gave up. I then lost close to 100 pounds and later found out I was pregnant and gained all my weight back. Through Christ All things are possible! I always think of the individuals who are not able to lose the weight because of physical disabilities and medication they are on. If we are fully healthy…
  • Tired of being tired and making excuses. Enough is enough, I can do better than this!
  • I agree with you Paige. I love getting up first thing in the morning and working out. I find it so refreshing to have a burst of energy at the beginning of my day while everyone else is sluggish LOL! Also at the end of the day I can relax without the pressures of being torn between staying at work to finish up an…
  • Hello, I just began my new journey as well last week, so welcome to the new you! I have found that there is no magic trick to easing the hunger pains lol. When I know that I should not be hungry I drink a glass of water and if the feeling doesn't go away I eat some raw veggies or a piece of fruit; most of the time I find…
    in Hi. Comment by Tanisha0812 April 2013