
millea84 Posts: 242 Member
I just started this program on Friday and finally got around to posting an introduction. I still need to update my profile though. I am looking to lose about 50-60 lbs. I am on a budget of 1200 calories a day. In the morning I have a protein shake that keeps me full for a while. When it comes to eating lunch or dinner I am still hungry. Do you guys have any suggestions for food that will keep me full and under my calorie budget? Thanks. :smile:


  • jayaprathappsg
    jayaprathappsg Posts: 60 Member
    Do more exercise. Try to burn at least 500-600 calories a day so that it gives you a nice cushion on your daily diet.. You dont have to starve then
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    - You should not eat below 1200 calories. You should try to hit that as close as you can.
    - If you eat 1200 calories and exercise, then you should be eating those exercise calories. Your body needs fuel to function and food is the fuel. Don't deprive your body of what it needs.
    - To bulk up your meals, eat lean meats (fish and chicken) and vegetables. For example...tonight we are having chicken fajitas. I will not be having a tortilla shell. Instead, I will eat this as a salad with lots of the veggies and sauteed chicken. I will be full, I'm sure.
    - If you are hungry between meals, have a snack. Have greek yogurt, string cheese, nuts, etc. This will also fill you up and get you to the next meal.
    - Drink lots of water. This will help you feel full and will help with water retention.

    You can do this!!! Preplanning your meals will help you keep on track.
  • mstrickland9
    I am new too, as of today! Please add me as a friend on your journey! :wink:
  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    1,200 calories seems a bit low...but if you're determined to do that, you need to make sure you're eating the extra calories you burn off. The worst, worst, WORST thing to do is to make your body go into starvation mode. You would think eat less + work out = lose more weight but in reality you need to eat to fuel your muscles.
    Stick to protein...try to incorporate it into every meal and snack (apples with a tablespoon of peanut butter, salad with chicken ontop...etc.)
  • NoodleKempson
    NoodleKempson Posts: 19 Member
    I have my protein shake for lunch and have some porridge or 3 wheatabix in the morning which keeps me full. This then means I am fuller for longer periods and my calorie intake at lunch is smaller and with afew healthy snacks to keep hunger at bay I last out till dinner time. Make sure you keep well hydrated as sometimes your not actually hungry but thirsty!
  • BreeNJesse
    BreeNJesse Posts: 150 Member
    You need to eat more than that silly!
  • Tanisha0812
    I just began my new journey as well last week, so welcome to the new you! I have found that there is no magic trick to easing the hunger pains lol. When I know that I should not be hungry I drink a glass of water and if the feeling doesn't go away I eat some raw veggies or a piece of fruit; most of the time I find that I am thirsty more than hungry. I'm looking forward to this fresh start and I am determined to hit the finish line this time and not give up. My trainer said something to me that really hit home: "What are you willing to sacrifice to feel better inside and out?" In a matter of a week and 7 pounds down, I am so happy I made the commitment to myself :wink: Good luck!
  • treeniemarie
    treeniemarie Posts: 40 Member
    I think whatever calorie limit a doctor set up for you is the best advice to go with. I am on a 1000 calorie as set up by the dietition and my doctor. It may seem low to some but it was what I was told to go on.

    If you work out you can fit in more calories so that is a plus; but things with a heavier protien is what I was recommended when I was having the same issue
  • millea84
    millea84 Posts: 242 Member
    Thank you for the advice. :smile:
  • lorieaucoin
    lorieaucoin Posts: 175 Member
    I agree with what someone mentioned about drinking water. I always make sure to drink a full glass of water with every meal - it helps me not feel "hungry" right after I eat. But, with only eating 1200 calories a day (I'm doing this too), you're probably going to feel hungry.. I just try not to look at it as a bad thing.
  • mstrickland9
    Yes I agree the water is so important. I have to really remind myself about this during the day but it really does help!