

  • Hello! We have a great supportive thread for hcg users come by and visit!
  • Hey, can YOU say get a life? We are people here to support each other, and everyone here has supported eachother with OUR choice to diet the way WE choose! It obviously has worked for thousands of us and if you don't like it move on and leave us alone! Thank you. [/quote]
    in HCG Diet Comment by rene0618 April 2011
  • Day 1 of the vlcd! I gained 4 pounds from the two loading days, I hope I drop weight quickly!
    in HCG Diet Comment by rene0618 March 2011
  • Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't think about dairy, that makes me much more comfortable about eating all these calories! Grilled cheese and a milk shake for me! Lol
    in HCG Diet Comment by rene0618 March 2011
  • I purchased a bunch of candy bars, muffins and other high calorie foods, since I do not keep these in my home... So this diet will end up being kid of pricey once it's all said and done... I've read and re-read the protocol several times, It just seems so counterintuitive to force yourself to eat tons to "bad" foods I…
    in HCG Diet Comment by rene0618 March 2011
  • That's what was thinking, we will see how the first round goes, luckily I have 18 months until my wedding and should be able to reach my goals by then! Started loading day 1 this morning- I guess I'm used to the 1200 calorie diet I've lived on for the past few years! I ate a large breakfast and I feel stuffed! The only…
    in HCG Diet Comment by rene0618 March 2011
  • Hello Everyone, I am starting the hcg diet next week, as soon as my period ends. I am nervous and excited! I really hope this works for me, I'd like to loose about 45 pounds before my wedding next september. If anyone has a tips or suggestions I'm all ears!
    in HCG Diet Comment by rene0618 March 2011