Started HCG Diet

Hello everyone! I just started the HCG diet and am hoping for some great results. Is anyone else here doing it? Today is my 2nd day of phase two and I lost 5 pounds and 1% body fat from just one day! Anyway, I got a lot to lose and I'm hoping to find others to share the journey with.

Let me know and say, "Hi!"



  • bucsbabie49
    bucsbabie49 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning! I am R1P2D27 and have lost 17.6lbs! I certainly does work but you definitely have to stick to protocol. I had 2 cheats and paid for them dearly but the weight came right back off, and I even did an apple day 2 days after each cheat to push it along faster. After each apple day I lost at least 2-3lbs... it's a challenge but totally worth it! You'll do great if you put your mind to it! Good luck!!
  • spudmizer
    spudmizer Posts: 4
    I am doing it, 600 calories aday.. I am using a Mens Multivitamin, and heavy water ( 10-12) glasses a day.. I am losing about 1.5 lbs a day on average as we speak.. started at 261 now at 257.5. I feel very well, and so far have alot of energy... And I dont feel..... groggy.... tired at times, yes but thats cause I am a restaurant manager, and on my feet 12 hours a day. As long as I space out the food, i dont get too hungry. Coffee is my best friend with this diet
  • rene0618
    rene0618 Posts: 105
    Hello! We have a great supportive thread for hcg users come by and visit!
  • azsun4us
    azsun4us Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    I started HCG in September of last year. I did my first round and ended it the first part of November. I went on maintenance and maintained throughout the holidays. I actually maintained for 3 months before starting round 2. I am currently on round 3 and have 4 weeks to go. My total weight loss is 63 pounds and I feel amazing, It's the best diet I have ever been on and the fact that you can eat so little and not be hungry is amazing to me, but it works.

    Good luck to everyone as we all get closer to our goal.