HCG Diet



  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    I wouldnt buy it off of ebay. If you dont mind needles and choose to do the injections I would buy the HCG from reliable pharmacy (online), the syringes and pads from Amazon, and the bacteriostatic water and mixing vials from Mountainside Medical (Online). Or...you could go to a clinic which they will do everything for you but it will be much more expensive. If you p refer to take it sublingually (under your tongue) you can buy the HCG and supplies for the same locations with a couple modifications for taking it under the tongue, to include getting some B12 or countless other things to dilute it with. There is no shortage of tutorials on youtube which will fully explain this process.

    Where do you buy your HCG? I have purchased it off Ebay but the same product is no longer there.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    I know where you are coming from, but I think that is a very broad generalization. My first round was with homeopathic drops and was succesful, also those who mix their own drops from HCG receive the same benefits that would be received from injections. There are definately some scammers and false advertising in the drops market, which I would agree, unless you know someone very well and want to take their advice on which drops to buy...to simply stay away from them altogether and get HCG from the pharmacy to mix themselves for injection or sublingual application.
    I know people may no want to hear this, but I posted a link about the HCG diet, and the drops don't work. They are expensive, and I see people saying that it will cost a lot. So...just trying to save you all some money. Take it or leave it...I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just trying to save you all money :)

    Good luck!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I know where you are coming from, but I think that is a very broad generalization. My first round was with homeopathic drops and was succesful, also those who mix their own drops from HCG receive the same benefits that would be received from injections. There are definately some scammers and false advertising in the drops market, which I would agree, unless you know someone very well and want to take their advice on which drops to buy...to simply stay away from them altogether and get HCG from the pharmacy to mix themselves for injection or sublingual application.
    I know people may no want to hear this, but I posted a link about the HCG diet, and the drops don't work. They are expensive, and I see people saying that it will cost a lot. So...just trying to save you all some money. Take it or leave it...I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just trying to save you all money :)

    Good luck!

    I'm basing my info on science and studies that have been done. Like I said...not trying to sway people, but there is no scientific data that shows support for the HCG hormone. It's the 500 calories a day that makes people lose weight. And please don't take this as me being mean, or trying to start something. Like I said, I'm just trying to help people save money. If you still want to use the drops and all, it's your decision.

    Take care :)
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    No, I would not take it as being mean, if you browse throught the thread, a few pages back you will find where I pasted several links where Dr.s where in disagreement as to the benefits of using HCG. Additionally, I also provided links to two seperate double blind studies that were conducted which both proved a significant difference in weight loss between a placebo group and the HCG group. I urge you to check them out, there is alot of misinformation out there, and most of it is negative about HCG, the science is there, and the proof is in both the research conducted by Dr. Simean as well as modern research, such as what is provided in these double blind studies, not to mention the 1000's of people who have experienced dramatic success. If it was truly the 500 VLCD that caused the weight loss there should be severe muscle atrophy, but research has shown through the use of hydrostatic body fat testing that while most diets, the ones the nutritionist endorse, will lead to 10% of total weight loss from muscle mass, those on the HCG diet have only lost a corresponding 2-4%. This fact alone proves that their is an element at work here beyond caloric starvation.

    There is nothing with providing your opinion or interrpretation of articles or studies conducted, it leads to healthy debate, but I would have to firmly disagree as the science and experiences have proven HCG's (as a prescribed hormone) effectiveness.
    I know where you are coming from, but I think that is a very broad generalization. My first round was with homeopathic drops and was succesful, also those who mix their own drops from HCG receive the same benefits that would be received from injections. There are definately some scammers and false advertising in the drops market, which I would agree, unless you know someone very well and want to take their advice on which drops to buy...to simply stay away from them altogether and get HCG from the pharmacy to mix themselves for injection or sublingual application.
    I know people may no want to hear this, but I posted a link about the HCG diet, and the drops don't work. They are expensive, and I see people saying that it will cost a lot. So...just trying to save you all some money. Take it or leave it...I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just trying to save you all money :)

    Good luck!

    I'm basing my info on science and studies that have been done. Like I said...not trying to sway people, but there is no scientific data that shows support for the HCG hormone. It's the 500 calories a day that makes people lose weight. And please don't take this as me being mean, or trying to start something. Like I said, I'm just trying to help people save money. If you still want to use the drops and all, it's your decision.

    Take care :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I purchased a bunch of candy bars, muffins and other high calorie foods, since I do not keep these in my home... So this diet will end up being kid of pricey once it's all said and done...

    I've read and re-read the protocol several times, It just seems so counterintuitive to force yourself to eat tons to "bad" foods I havent eaten for years... I hope all this sugar and starch doesn't make me feel sick come day 3 when it's time to start the vlcd...

    Probably too late now...but there are NO caloric regulations for the loading days. Give in to your every craving. The loading days are basically your oppourtunity to get out every little craving you could possibly have. In fact the protocol mentions that the higher the fat and sugar the better...and do midnight snacks to. One of my loading days consisted of Pizza, moon pies, french toast, cookies, candy...all sorts of bad stuff, you will gain weight but it will drop off nearly immediately once you start R2. How is it going for you BTW?

    That's what was thinking, we will see how the first round goes, luckily I have 18 months until my wedding and should be able to reach my goals by then!

    Started loading day 1 this morning- I guess I'm used to the 1200 calorie diet I've lived on for the past few years! I ate a large breakfast and I feel stuffed! The only confusing part about the protocol- it doesn't give any caloric recommendations for the loading days- I don't want to overdo/underdo it!

    You should be eating FATTY foods, not sugary and starchy junk foods.

    There are plenty of fat filled foods that are healthier than sugar filled junk foods.

    Go get a quality, REAL milk shake...............make some chicken wings dripping in butter. Go buy a fat filled, Huge steak and eat the fat as well as the meat............

    Stay away from the muffins, candy bars, etc......
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Directly from Dr. Simeons manuscrips

    "we compromise by insisting that they eat frequently of highly concentrated foods such as milk chocolate, pastries with whipped cream sugar, fried meats (particularly pork), eggs and bacon, mayonnaise, bread with thick butter and jam, etc."

    Seems like starchy and sugary junk foods in addition to high fatty foods. The whole purpose is to ensure your good fat stores are completely full and also give in to any cravings that you may have. Eat what ever you want...have fun with the two days. Mmm pastries with whipped cream sugar...starchy AND sugarry.
    I purchased a bunch of candy bars, muffins and other high calorie foods, since I do not keep these in my home... So this diet will end up being kid of pricey once it's all said and done...

    I've read and re-read the protocol several times, It just seems so counterintuitive to force yourself to eat tons to "bad" foods I havent eaten for years... I hope all this sugar and starch doesn't make me feel sick come day 3 when it's time to start the vlcd...

    Probably too late now...but there are NO caloric regulations for the loading days. Give in to your every craving. The loading days are basically your oppourtunity to get out every little craving you could possibly have. In fact the protocol mentions that the higher the fat and sugar the better...and do midnight snacks to. One of my loading days consisted of Pizza, moon pies, french toast, cookies, candy...all sorts of bad stuff, you will gain weight but it will drop off nearly immediately once you start R2. How is it going for you BTW?

    That's what was thinking, we will see how the first round goes, luckily I have 18 months until my wedding and should be able to reach my goals by then!

    Started loading day 1 this morning- I guess I'm used to the 1200 calorie diet I've lived on for the past few years! I ate a large breakfast and I feel stuffed! The only confusing part about the protocol- it doesn't give any caloric recommendations for the loading days- I don't want to overdo/underdo it!

    You should be eating FATTY foods, not sugary and starchy junk foods.

    There are plenty of fat filled foods that are healthier than sugar filled junk foods.

    Go get a quality, REAL milk shake...............make some chicken wings dripping in butter. Go buy a fat filled, Huge steak and eat the fat as well as the meat............

    Stay away from the muffins, candy bars, etc......
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    No, I would not take it as being mean, if you browse throught the thread, a few pages back you will find where I pasted several links where Dr.s where in disagreement as to the benefits of using HCG. Additionally, I also provided links to two seperate double blind studies that were conducted which both proved a significant difference in weight loss between a placebo group and the HCG group. I urge you to check them out, there is alot of misinformation out there, and most of it is negative about HCG, the science is there, and the proof is in both the research conducted by Dr. Simean as well as modern research, such as what is provided in these double blind studies, not to mention the 1000's of people who have experienced dramatic success. If it was truly the 500 VLCD that caused the weight loss there should be severe muscle atrophy, but research has shown through the use of hydrostatic body fat testing that while most diets, the ones the nutritionist endorse, will lead to 10% of total weight loss from muscle mass, those on the HCG diet have only lost a corresponding 2-4%. This fact alone proves that their is an element at work here beyond caloric starvation.

    There is nothing with providing your opinion or interrpretation of articles or studies conducted, it leads to healthy debate, but I would have to firmly disagree as the science and experiences have proven HCG's (as a prescribed hormone) effectiveness.
    I know where you are coming from, but I think that is a very broad generalization. My first round was with homeopathic drops and was succesful, also those who mix their own drops from HCG receive the same benefits that would be received from injections. There are definately some scammers and false advertising in the drops market, which I would agree, unless you know someone very well and want to take their advice on which drops to buy...to simply stay away from them altogether and get HCG from the pharmacy to mix themselves for injection or sublingual application.
    I know people may no want to hear this, but I posted a link about the HCG diet, and the drops don't work. They are expensive, and I see people saying that it will cost a lot. So...just trying to save you all some money. Take it or leave it...I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just trying to save you all money :)

    Good luck!

    I'm basing my info on science and studies that have been done. Like I said...not trying to sway people, but there is no scientific data that shows support for the HCG hormone. It's the 500 calories a day that makes people lose weight. And please don't take this as me being mean, or trying to start something. Like I said, I'm just trying to help people save money. If you still want to use the drops and all, it's your decision.

    Take care :)

    Thanks for letting me know! I'll check them out! I have been doing searching and I couldn't find anything...maybe I just wasn't looking in the right places.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    It was not easy to find lol...I consider myself "THEE GOOGLE MASTER" lol, and it took some serious digging. Articles are easy to find, actual research studies are not so easy. One study I really like is the one with the before and after pics. One of the Dr's in one of those studies owns an HCG clinic, so I was told by the last person I was "debating" with , that it doesnt count because he is selling HCG, but that is a silly comment because oncologists conduct cancer research and they develop cancer drugs, you cant discount the research simply because they are selling those cancer drugs, that is why they call it a double blind study...any how just 2 more cents...

    No, I would not take it as being mean, if you browse throught the thread, a few pages back you will find where I pasted several links where Dr.s where in disagreement as to the benefits of using HCG. Additionally, I also provided links to two seperate double blind studies that were conducted which both proved a significant difference in weight loss between a placebo group and the HCG group. I urge you to check them out, there is alot of misinformation out there, and most of it is negative about HCG, the science is there, and the proof is in both the research conducted by Dr. Simean as well as modern research, such as what is provided in these double blind studies, not to mention the 1000's of people who have experienced dramatic success. If it was truly the 500 VLCD that caused the weight loss there should be severe muscle atrophy, but research has shown through the use of hydrostatic body fat testing that while most diets, the ones the nutritionist endorse, will lead to 10% of total weight loss from muscle mass, those on the HCG diet have only lost a corresponding 2-4%. This fact alone proves that their is an element at work here beyond caloric starvation.

    There is nothing with providing your opinion or interrpretation of articles or studies conducted, it leads to healthy debate, but I would have to firmly disagree as the science and experiences have proven HCG's (as a prescribed hormone) effectiveness.
    I know where you are coming from, but I think that is a very broad generalization. My first round was with homeopathic drops and was succesful, also those who mix their own drops from HCG receive the same benefits that would be received from injections. There are definately some scammers and false advertising in the drops market, which I would agree, unless you know someone very well and want to take their advice on which drops to buy...to simply stay away from them altogether and get HCG from the pharmacy to mix themselves for injection or sublingual application.
    I know people may no want to hear this, but I posted a link about the HCG diet, and the drops don't work. They are expensive, and I see people saying that it will cost a lot. So...just trying to save you all some money. Take it or leave it...I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just trying to save you all money :)

    Good luck!

    I'm basing my info on science and studies that have been done. Like I said...not trying to sway people, but there is no scientific data that shows support for the HCG hormone. It's the 500 calories a day that makes people lose weight. And please don't take this as me being mean, or trying to start something. Like I said, I'm just trying to help people save money. If you still want to use the drops and all, it's your decision.

    Take care :)

    Thanks for letting me know! I'll check them out! I have been doing searching and I couldn't find anything...maybe I just wasn't looking in the right places.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Ok, I just wanted to chime in here. I don't want to offend anyone, but there were a few things said that kinda bothered me.

    First, I've never heard of you fat cells storing vitamins along with the fat. I think that is a bit of misinfirmation being handed around. If anyone can find anything to substantiate this I'd be very interested.

    Second, while the offer to produce peer reviewed studies supporting HGC's roll in the diet non have been. After looking for myself I found one that claimed a statistically significant difference in weight loss, body composition of weight loss, and fewer feelung of hunger when compaired to a placebo group. The base group was 600 or so people and they were split into 3 groups - 2 on different dosages of HGC and one on sugar pills. All groups followed the same diet. At the end of the 5 week study those on HGC lost a "statistically significant" .02 kilograms more than placebo, and a "statistically significant" .0005% more body fat. Personally I take from this study that "statistically significant" means "actually irrelevant." If anyone can offer a different study with better results, please do.

    And lastly there may be no side effects from the HGC itself, but there are common and frequent side effects that are often severe, of a 500 calorie a day diet and lack of nutrition. Including hair loss, and organ failure, the later leading to death.

    In severely obese people 500 calorie a day diets are sometimes prescribed because the risks of being so over weight out way the risks of the diet. These people are monitored closely and given vitamin, mineral, and proteib supplements to further decrease their risks. If you are not severely obese and under a doctors care, please consider a safer approach to your weight loss.

    Statistically significant, by definition, means exactly that...it made a difference. Where did you get the study from? Where was it conducted? Was muscle mass loss determined as well? What were the results of that particular bit of information? This is the point that so many have a hard time comprehending: You are not reducing your body to 500 calories a day; the calories are being released into the blood stream through the metabolization of fat caused by the hormone. Thats why so many of these clinicals are nonsense, because while the results may of been comparable weight loss wise the amount of muscle atrophy in each study would have been significantly different.

    The study can be found here: http://www.indexmedico.com/english/obesity/hcg.htm

    The conclusion was:

    "Discussion and conclusions

    The hCG protocol for the treatment of obesity has been loved and hated for the last 40 years. In 1974, the FDA banned the use of hCG in the US based on a series of studies maintaining that weight loss was similar both in the Placebo and hCG-treated groups. Our study corroborates those previous findings."

    They do go on to say that they have some curious results and further study needed to be done on a few issues. Bottom line is HCG beat the placebo group by such a small margin that it could be explained by someone sneezing before they got on the scale and losing an extra ounce of snot.

    Oh and I was wrong about the size of the study group it was only 60 people, not 600, which makes the margin of error greater.

    Hi! I just wanted to quote this, so that if I hear an answer back, I can let you know. But I read the study, and had some questions. So I emailed them...and this is what I emailed them:

    Hi! I read your study "Utility of an oral presentatin of hCG Human Choriognadotropin)for obseity treatment: A double blind study" and I just have a few questions that maybe you could answer for me.
    1. Is this study published somewhere? And if so, what journal is it in?
    2. This study was conducted by doctors associated with hCG? If so, how was any bias controlled for?
    3. What is the p value for statistical significance you used? I'm in the social sciences, and for us anything less than .05 is significant. I know the medical field, because it deals with people's health, requires a lower p value. I believe at .01. Why did you chose not to use .01 as your significance point?
    4. What is with the disclaimer at the end: "hCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or 'normal' distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets" Is this just saying that the hCG hormone really doesn't work?

    I'll keep you posted on what they answer. I think if they can answer these questions, and it is a published journal (which I couldn't find on the page) it will offer positive evidence to hCG. But that last quote on their site...my number 4, really threw me for a loop. I'm not trying to be for it, or against it, I just deal with quantitive data on a daily basis, and reading ALL studies makes me have some questions for the authors.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    You should ask the other study the same questions. It is a little older, so maybe it would be hard to find a corresponding email. I believe their disclaimer at the end is required by the FDA, because, while FDA has not approved the use of HCG for obesity and weight loss, a medical doctor can use a drug for a use not specified by the manufacturer or FDA. I really hope you hear back from them. Most of the studies, both positive and negative or very out dated, and I have not seen in one study where they recorded the percentage of fat loss vs. muscle loss from the HCG to the control group. Most of the older studies simply identified that those on a VLCD and receiving the placebo experienced the same amount or marginally less weight loss than those on HCG. While this may be true, I am less interested in if HCG causes increased weight loss in comparison to a VLCD, but if HCG allows an individual to do VLCD without the muscle loss and nauseating hunger. My hypothesis would be that while a VLCD with a Placebo is not staticially significant in regards to the amount of weightloss in reference to those administered with HCG, those on HCG experience less muscle atrophy and a significantly reduced appetite.

    Ok, I just wanted to chime in here. I don't want to offend anyone, but there were a few things said that kinda bothered me.

    First, I've never heard of you fat cells storing vitamins along with the fat. I think that is a bit of misinfirmation being handed around. If anyone can find anything to substantiate this I'd be very interested.

    Second, while the offer to produce peer reviewed studies supporting HGC's roll in the diet non have been. After looking for myself I found one that claimed a statistically significant difference in weight loss, body composition of weight loss, and fewer feelung of hunger when compaired to a placebo group. The base group was 600 or so people and they were split into 3 groups - 2 on different dosages of HGC and one on sugar pills. All groups followed the same diet. At the end of the 5 week study those on HGC lost a "statistically significant" .02 kilograms more than placebo, and a "statistically significant" .0005% more body fat. Personally I take from this study that "statistically significant" means "actually irrelevant." If anyone can offer a different study with better results, please do.

    And lastly there may be no side effects from the HGC itself, but there are common and frequent side effects that are often severe, of a 500 calorie a day diet and lack of nutrition. Including hair loss, and organ failure, the later leading to death.

    In severely obese people 500 calorie a day diets are sometimes prescribed because the risks of being so over weight out way the risks of the diet. These people are monitored closely and given vitamin, mineral, and proteib supplements to further decrease their risks. If you are not severely obese and under a doctors care, please consider a safer approach to your weight loss.

    Statistically significant, by definition, means exactly that...it made a difference. Where did you get the study from? Where was it conducted? Was muscle mass loss determined as well? What were the results of that particular bit of information? This is the point that so many have a hard time comprehending: You are not reducing your body to 500 calories a day; the calories are being released into the blood stream through the metabolization of fat caused by the hormone. Thats why so many of these clinicals are nonsense, because while the results may of been comparable weight loss wise the amount of muscle atrophy in each study would have been significantly different.

    The study can be found here: http://www.indexmedico.com/english/obesity/hcg.htm

    The conclusion was:

    "Discussion and conclusions

    The hCG protocol for the treatment of obesity has been loved and hated for the last 40 years. In 1974, the FDA banned the use of hCG in the US based on a series of studies maintaining that weight loss was similar both in the Placebo and hCG-treated groups. Our study corroborates those previous findings."

    They do go on to say that they have some curious results and further study needed to be done on a few issues. Bottom line is HCG beat the placebo group by such a small margin that it could be explained by someone sneezing before they got on the scale and losing an extra ounce of snot.

    Oh and I was wrong about the size of the study group it was only 60 people, not 600, which makes the margin of error greater.

    Hi! I just wanted to quote this, so that if I hear an answer back, I can let you know. But I read the study, and had some questions. So I emailed them...and this is what I emailed them:

    Hi! I read your study "Utility of an oral presentatin of hCG Human Choriognadotropin)for obseity treatment: A double blind study" and I just have a few questions that maybe you could answer for me.
    1. Is this study published somewhere? And if so, what journal is it in?
    2. This study was conducted by doctors associated with hCG? If so, how was any bias controlled for?
    3. What is the p value for statistical significance you used? I'm in the social sciences, and for us anything less than .05 is significant. I know the medical field, because it deals with people's health, requires a lower p value. I believe at .01. Why did you chose not to use .01 as your significance point?
    4. What is with the disclaimer at the end: "hCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or 'normal' distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets" Is this just saying that the hCG hormone really doesn't work?

    I'll keep you posted on what they answer. I think if they can answer these questions, and it is a published journal (which I couldn't find on the page) it will offer positive evidence to hCG. But that last quote on their site...my number 4, really threw me for a loop. I'm not trying to be for it, or against it, I just deal with quantitive data on a daily basis, and reading ALL studies makes me have some questions for the authors.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    @ambrosij...ok, I wanted to do that because the quote is getting really long:) That study I do not believe was done in the US. It's by indexmedico and intersol, and the conference for hCG is in Argentina. I'll keep you posted. I found your lnks for the other articles you posted, and I'm reading them too. I do have a couple of problems with them...but I'll continue to read and make my mind up at the end.
  • teamsaris
    teamsaris Posts: 30
    I just can't see how a diet that starts with a BINGE is teaching anything but a negative attitude towards food. If I get a craving (which is rare)...I eat. I don't go crazy,I stay within my caloric allowance, but I'm not going to live my life eating boiled chicken and vegetables. I respect food...more now than I ever have before.

    I hope you ALL reach your goals...and that you keep it off. Best of luck!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Did you read the protocol? There is a scientific reason cited behind the "binge" as you put it. Even amidst those who are obese, many have dieted so long that they have put their body in an unhealthy state of starvation, causing their good fat reserves, such as the pads of the feet and hands, as well as other areas that require fat, to be eaten away by the body. The two or three days of eating is meant to reset those fat stores and ensure that the person starting the diet is not in a pre-deprived state...yada yada yada.

    Boiled chicken and vegetables? - Who is requiring that? With HCG in phase 3 normal eating is nearly resumed, and in phase 4 normal eating IS resumed.
    I just can't see how a diet that starts with a BINGE is teaching anything but a negative attitude towards food. If I get a craving (which is rare)...I eat. I don't go crazy,I stay within my caloric allowance, but I'm not going to live my life eating boiled chicken and vegetables. I respect food...more now than I ever have before.

    I hope you ALL reach your goals...and that you keep it off. Best of luck!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    See the problem I have with studies, or the lack of studies conducted in the United States is that the only way a drug manufacturer is going to research a medication is if they can profit off of it. Because HCG is a hormone it can not be patented, and much of the money associated with the research neccesary for FDA approval would be lost. Also, the FDA is a government entity and like all governement entities it is ultimately swayed by the biggest piggy bank aka Lobbyists. There is alot of reason not to allow or endorse HCG for weight loss, to include the billion dollar weight loss supplement market, and the billion dollar weight loss drug (of patented drugs like alli) market. The only way HCG will ever get a fair shake is through an independent research effort conducted at a college somewhere...and even then most will dismiss the results.
    @ambrosij...ok, I wanted to do that because the quote is getting really long:) That study I do not believe was done in the US. It's by indexmedico and intersol, and the conference for hCG is in Argentina. I'll keep you posted. I found your lnks for the other articles you posted, and I'm reading them too. I do have a couple of problems with them...but I'll continue to read and make my mind up at the end.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    See the problem I have with studies, or the lack of studies conducted in the United States is that the only way a drug manufacturer is going to research a medication is if they can profit off of it. Because HCG is a hormone it can not be patented, and much of the money associated with the research neccesary for FDA approval would be lost. Also, the FDA is a government entity and like all governement entities it is ultimately swayed by the biggest piggy bank aka Lobbyists. There is alot of reason not to allow or endorse HCG for weight loss, to include the billion dollar weight loss supplement market, and the billion dollar weight loss drug (of patented drugs like alli) market. The only way HCG will ever get a fair shake is through an independent research effort conducted at a college somewhere...and even then most will dismiss the results.
    @ambrosij...ok, I wanted to do that because the quote is getting really long:) That study I do not believe was done in the US. It's by indexmedico and intersol, and the conference for hCG is in Argentina. I'll keep you posted. I found your lnks for the other articles you posted, and I'm reading them too. I do have a couple of problems with them...but I'll continue to read and make my mind up at the end.

    Yes about the independent study!!! Anyone in the medical field who wants to do a research study?? This would be a great on done in the US, with US standards for significance ratings! You'd get published A LOT!!! Any takers? :)
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Id like to see something statistically significant with like a couple hundred participants. How would you control the diet though? In order for the study to be fair they would have to follow Simeon's protocol, as described in the 1950's to a tee. Alot of the studies that were conducted simply failed to follow that protocol in their testing. I honestly think the study would get burried, there is alot more power and money behind not studying it as there is in studying it.
    See the problem I have with studies, or the lack of studies conducted in the United States is that the only way a drug manufacturer is going to research a medication is if they can profit off of it. Because HCG is a hormone it can not be patented, and much of the money associated with the research neccesary for FDA approval would be lost. Also, the FDA is a government entity and like all governement entities it is ultimately swayed by the biggest piggy bank aka Lobbyists. There is alot of reason not to allow or endorse HCG for weight loss, to include the billion dollar weight loss supplement market, and the billion dollar weight loss drug (of patented drugs like alli) market. The only way HCG will ever get a fair shake is through an independent research effort conducted at a college somewhere...and even then most will dismiss the results.
    @ambrosij...ok, I wanted to do that because the quote is getting really long:) That study I do not believe was done in the US. It's by indexmedico and intersol, and the conference for hCG is in Argentina. I'll keep you posted. I found your lnks for the other articles you posted, and I'm reading them too. I do have a couple of problems with them...but I'll continue to read and make my mind up at the end.

    Yes about the independent study!!! Anyone in the medical field who wants to do a research study?? This would be a great on done in the US, with US standards for significance ratings! You'd get published A LOT!!! Any takers? :)
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Id like to see something statistically significant with like a couple hundred participants. How would you control the diet though? In order for the study to be fair they would have to follow Simeon's protocol, as described in the 1950's to a tee. Alot of the studies that were conducted simply failed to follow that protocol in their testing. I honestly think the study would get burried, there is alot more power and money behind not studying it as there is in studying it.
    See the problem I have with studies, or the lack of studies conducted in the United States is that the only way a drug manufacturer is going to research a medication is if they can profit off of it. Because HCG is a hormone it can not be patented, and much of the money associated with the research neccesary for FDA approval would be lost. Also, the FDA is a government entity and like all governement entities it is ultimately swayed by the biggest piggy bank aka Lobbyists. There is alot of reason not to allow or endorse HCG for weight loss, to include the billion dollar weight loss supplement market, and the billion dollar weight loss drug (of patented drugs like alli) market. The only way HCG will ever get a fair shake is through an independent research effort conducted at a college somewhere...and even then most will dismiss the results.
    @ambrosij...ok, I wanted to do that because the quote is getting really long:) That study I do not believe was done in the US. It's by indexmedico and intersol, and the conference for hCG is in Argentina. I'll keep you posted. I found your lnks for the other articles you posted, and I'm reading them too. I do have a couple of problems with them...but I'll continue to read and make my mind up at the end.

    Yes about the independent study!!! Anyone in the medical field who wants to do a research study?? This would be a great on done in the US, with US standards for significance ratings! You'd get published A LOT!!! Any takers? :)

    I agree..but I don't think 100 participants is a good idea. The margin or error increases a lot with that many. In my field of statistical study, 30-50 people is a good number for generalization for the public. I would think that for this study, it would be best to have groups divided by men and women, and then broken down into groups one more time of similar body types (for example, height and weight...etc).

    I wish I could branch off into this study. I'm not MD though, will just be PhD.....I'd make some good money and have many publicaions if I could! :)
  • rene0618
    rene0618 Posts: 105
    Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't think about dairy, that makes me much more comfortable about eating all these calories! Grilled cheese and a milk shake for me! Lol
    I purchased a bunch of candy bars, muffins and other high calorie foods, since I do not keep these in my home... So this diet will end up being kid of pricey once it's all said and done...

    I've read and re-read the protocol several times, It just seems so counterintuitive to force yourself to eat tons to "bad" foods I havent eaten for years... I hope all this sugar and starch doesn't make me feel sick come day 3 when it's time to start the vlcd...

    Probably too late now...but there are NO caloric regulations for the loading days. Give in to your every craving. The loading days are basically your oppourtunity to get out every little craving you could possibly have. In fact the protocol mentions that the higher the fat and sugar the better...and do midnight snacks to. One of my loading days consisted of Pizza, moon pies, french toast, cookies, candy...all sorts of bad stuff, you will gain weight but it will drop off nearly immediately once you start R2. How is it going for you BTW?

    That's what was thinking, we will see how the first round goes, luckily I have 18 months until my wedding and should be able to reach my goals by then!

    Started loading day 1 this morning- I guess I'm used to the 1200 calorie diet I've lived on for the past few years! I ate a large breakfast and I feel stuffed! The only confusing part about the protocol- it doesn't give any caloric recommendations for the loading days- I don't want to overdo/underdo it!

    You should be eating FATTY foods, not sugary and starchy junk foods.

    There are plenty of fat filled foods that are healthier than sugar filled junk foods.

    Go get a quality, REAL milk shake...............make some chicken wings dripping in butter. Go buy a fat filled, Huge steak and eat the fat as well as the meat............

    Stay away from the muffins, candy bars, etc......
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    I'm curious to know the detailed biology behind the diet. I know it's been mentioned but can you direct me to a scientific source that specifically outlines the chemical processes that would support the use of the hormone in burning of excess fat. The more detailed the scientific explanation, the better.

    I know that in the case of some vitamins, any EXCESS of the vitamins are stored in fat cells for later use. But if you are not getting the vitamins in your diet, then would you not run out of excess stores quickly? Also, you risk not getting proper amounts of vitamins and minerals that are not fat soluble and thus will not be stored in the body (vitamin B, C, thiamine, etc...). Is it possible to get sufficient amounts of these vitamins from the restricted diet and/or use of a supplement?

    The diet may be effective, whether this is due to the restricted calories or the hCG or a combination of the two, but does that necessarily mean that it is healthy for your body? Is there evidence that it is? I just can't imagine how it doesn't cause headaches, fatigue and trouble concentrating the way that not eating in general would (I expect I'll be told that it's because of the calories burned from the fat cells, but I'm skeptical). Is it advisable to exercise moderately or heavily while eating so little?

    I also want to point out that different medical journals and sources have different levels of credibility and guidelines for publication, and that it is important to take into consideration who is conducting/funding the study and read it critically taking these factors into account.

    None of this is meant to be combative or judgmental. I'm actually very curious about the ins and outs of the diet from a biological perspective. If the diet is giving you the results you are looking for and you feel good doing it, then that's great and I wish you all the best in your weight loss!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I'm curious to know the detailed biology behind the diet. I know it's been mentioned but can you direct me to a scientific source that specifically outlines the chemical processes that would support the use of the hormone in burning of excess fat. The more detailed the scientific explanation, the better.

    I know that in the case of some vitamins, any EXCESS of the vitamins are stored in fat cells for later use. But if you are not getting the vitamins in your diet, then would you not run out of excess stores quickly? Also, you risk not getting proper amounts of vitamins and minerals that are not fat soluble and thus will not be stored in the body (vitamin B, C, thiamine, etc...). Is it possible to get sufficient amounts of these vitamins from the restricted diet and/or use of a supplement?

    The diet may be effective, whether this is due to the restricted calories or the hCG or a combination of the two, but does that necessarily mean that it is healthy for your body? Is there evidence that it is? I just can't imagine how it doesn't cause headaches, fatigue and trouble concentrating the way that not eating in general would (I expect I'll be told that it's because of the calories burned from the fat cells, but I'm skeptical). Is it advisable to exercise moderately or heavily while eating so little?

    I also want to point out that different medical journals and sources have different levels of credibility and guidelines for publication, and that it is important to take into consideration who is conducting/funding the study and read it critically taking these factors into account.

    None of this is meant to be combative or judgmental. I'm actually very curious about the ins and outs of the diet from a biological perspective. If the diet is giving you the results you are looking for and you feel good doing it, then that's great and I wish you all the best in your weight loss!


    I just found this one too, I can't figure out how to get the whole article, but it's by a department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, of the University of Stellenbosch, Parowvallei. This is the abstract posted by U.S. National Library of Medicine
    National Institutes of Health. I don't know how to get the whole article though, I think you may have to pay. But this is the abstract. If you can get access to get the whole article, I bet it would say all the scientific biological info you're looking for.
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