HCG Diet



  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Well I suppose thats why they call them personal choices.

    yes I agree with you bakinggranny. I went on Nutra System several years back & I was losing really fast but I started losing my hair by the handfuls too , just as fast. These quick fix , very low calorie diets just are not the healthy choices a person should be taking. You are playing with your health for sure!!
  • rene0618
    rene0618 Posts: 105
    Hello Everyone,

    I am starting the hcg diet next week, as soon as my period ends. I am nervous and excited! I really hope this works for me, I'd like to loose about 45 pounds before my wedding next september.

    If anyone has a tips or suggestions I'm all ears!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Well Good luck...you should look at doing at least two rounds for that much weight loss.
    Hello Everyone,

    I am starting the hcg diet next week, as soon as my period ends. I am nervous and excited! I really hope this works for me, I'd like to loose about 45 pounds before my wedding next september.

    If anyone has a tips or suggestions I'm all ears!
  • vickij2
    vickij2 Posts: 66
    Good luck with the HCG diet. It does work!!:smile:
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Is this something more for someone who is obese or has a lot of weight to lose?

    Or can anyone even with only 15lbs to lose?
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Where can I get the drops? Is there a certain brand that should be used and about how much does it cost?
  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    Do you use the Cyanocobalamin B12 or the methylcobalamin B12?
    I have read that the second one is better, an active co-enzyme of B12, but usually not found at local
    stores - must be ordered through the internet.
  • rene0618
    rene0618 Posts: 105
    That's what was thinking, we will see how the first round goes, luckily I have 18 months until my wedding and should be able to reach my goals by then!

    Started loading day 1 this morning- I guess I'm used to the 1200 calorie diet I've lived on for the past few years! I ate a large breakfast and I feel stuffed! The only confusing part about the protocol- it doesn't give any caloric recommendations for the loading days- I don't want to overdo/underdo it!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Well definately the more you have to lose, the more you will lose. But many people who need to lose just 15 or 20 pounds have been succesful. You will probably only need one cycle and even if you meet your target weight, ensure you finish the short protocol and wrap it up with a proper p3 and p4.
    Is this something more for someone who is obese or has a lot of weight to lose?

    Or can anyone even with only 15lbs to lose?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    This is a very broad question. You can make the drops from the dry HCG powder (preferred method) or you can order homeopathic drops from the internet (next preferred) or you can buy drops from the drugstore like Walgreens or CVS (while people have logged success there is a serious question on wether any HCG is present in the over the counter HCG, most of what you will get is B12 with a super dilution of HCG if any HCG at all.
    Where can I get the drops? Is there a certain brand that should be used and about how much does it cost?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Wow. I have no idea. I dont do my own dilutions or take it sublingually...so I dont worry about B12. But thats a good question....Im sure Mr. Google could help out with that one. I would be a little concerned with methylcobalamin I dont think you can take it orally (sublingually) not sure though. You could self administer B12, just ensure you are getting the proper dosage. Taking anything orally that starts with the chemical prefix methyl...generally is not so good for your liver...at least the stuff I took that started with methyl wasn't.

    Do you use the Cyanocobalamin B12 or the methylcobalamin B12?
    I have read that the second one is better, an active co-enzyme of B12, but usually not found at local
    stores - must be ordered through the internet.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Probably too late now...but there are NO caloric regulations for the loading days. Give in to your every craving. The loading days are basically your oppourtunity to get out every little craving you could possibly have. In fact the protocol mentions that the higher the fat and sugar the better...and do midnight snacks to. One of my loading days consisted of Pizza, moon pies, french toast, cookies, candy...all sorts of bad stuff, you will gain weight but it will drop off nearly immediately once you start R2. How is it going for you BTW?

    That's what was thinking, we will see how the first round goes, luckily I have 18 months until my wedding and should be able to reach my goals by then!

    Started loading day 1 this morning- I guess I'm used to the 1200 calorie diet I've lived on for the past few years! I ate a large breakfast and I feel stuffed! The only confusing part about the protocol- it doesn't give any caloric recommendations for the loading days- I don't want to overdo/underdo it!
  • barberella
    barberella Posts: 199
    I agree with all you. You HAVE to read and re-read the entire protocol before starting the HCG diet. And you have to mentally be prepared to do it. Not to mention; watch the sources where you may purchase your drops because there are plenty of distributors (especially online) that are willing to sell you bull**** products. It should be purchased/prescribed by your physician.

    With my mom's experience of doing it, yes, she was overweight and it was very hard for her to do the diet as she is a food addict. However, she was very dedicated doing it as her and her two friends did it all together so she had support. I think that's needed. She recieved a lot of flak for doing the diet from my dad! Anyway, she followed the diet strictly and lost 25 pounds. That's the upside. But because she didn't follow the protocol of all stages, and the drops were purchased online, she gave in when her friends did. (Her one friend dropped out after passing out one day due to physical exercise--she's a farmer and of course, physical exercise is required in farming!).

    Now, a year later, my mom has gained 10 pounds back of the 25 and she is looking to go back on it. But it's important she has support if she starts again. So, any one on here having the desire to do it, just be prepared for what you're getting into and hopefully, get it through your doctor. And have some support backed up as well.

    Good luck!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Couldnt agree with you more...you MUST have a support network...one of the reasons I hang out on here...plus Im a stubborn mule of a person sometimes and arguing with people about HCG's effectiveness just makes me want to be more succesful to prove them wrong (regardless of the fact that their opinion really doesnt matter, nor does mine, and when it comes down to it is just fun bickering)....any how I think I would classify myself as a food addict as well, I simply love to it, and I had a strong attachment of my emotions to food. I wouldnt so much eat when I was mad, but I definately attributed food to good times and even family (Hell Im Italian, and thats just how I was raised...) so I actually have to get ALL!! of the bad food out of the house, and I have my wife do the grocery shopping, and she knows she cant bring stuff home I cant have because I will eat it. There are times when I simply have a craving for something and I will strip the cupboards bare looking for that "unknown" item that I think will cure my craving. If it simply is not there then the craving will pass (usually within minutes) I will drink a glass of water or tea or coffee...and go on my marry way...if it IS there I will eat it...no doubt about it....bottom line is I dont miss what isnt there...I think people will be more succesfull if they prepped their kitchens and homes for the next few weeks, and if you are married then you both need to commit to eating the same type of food at least through the protocol, you will be much more succesful...

    Ya know I grew up in Upstate NY, TONS of dairy farms, and I did my fair share of farm work as a kid, I even delivered milk in glass bottles, we used to have to put blankets over the milk on the milk route in the summer in order to keep the milk cold throughout the route...the trucks were not even refrigerated; with that said, I have seen my fair share of very large and definately over weight farmers: bacon, eggs, milk, pancakes for breakfast...sandwiches with lots of meat and cheese on white bread...and more milk for lunch, and a nice hearty dinner consisting of pork or beef with potatoes, bread and all the goodies...that right there is a NORMAL day for a farmer. While I have seen plenty of fat farmers, I have not seen too many weak farmers...those guys and girls work their buts off...and if ya ask me earn the right to be fat and eat what ever the heck they want. I would venture to say that only maybe 2% of jobs in the United States are as demanding as the average farmer....have you ever stacked HAY!!!! HOLY S$#T!!!! Im not surprised she passed out from a 500 calorie diet, a farmer will have burned through 1000 calories by sun up....plus if there wasnt any real HCG then there body wasnt releasing the fat into the blood stream...bad business all around.

    I agree with all you. You HAVE to read and re-read the entire protocol before starting the HCG diet. And you have to mentally be prepared to do it. Not to mention; watch the sources where you may purchase your drops because there are plenty of distributors (especially online) that are willing to sell you bull**** products. It should be purchased/prescribed by your physician.

    With my mom's experience of doing it, yes, she was overweight and it was very hard for her to do the diet as she is a food addict. However, she was very dedicated doing it as her and her two friends did it all together so she had support. I think that's needed. She recieved a lot of flak for doing the diet from my dad! Anyway, she followed the diet strictly and lost 25 pounds. That's the upside. But because she didn't follow the protocol of all stages, and the drops were purchased online, she gave in when her friends did. (Her one friend dropped out after passing out one day due to physical exercise--she's a farmer and of course, physical exercise is required in farming!).

    Now, a year later, my mom has gained 10 pounds back of the 25 and she is looking to go back on it. But it's important she has support if she starts again. So, any one on here having the desire to do it, just be prepared for what you're getting into and hopefully, get it through your doctor. And have some support backed up as well.

    Good luck!
  • unckat09
    unckat09 Posts: 97
    Just out of curiosity...what would you suggest for the farmer if he/she is interested in taking hcg? Is the protocol designed for people who are active?
    Im not surprised she passed out from a 500 calorie diet, a farmer will have burned through 1000 calories by sun up....plus if there wasnt any real HCG then there body wasnt releasing the fat into the blood stream...bad business all around.
  • a friend of mine tried it, lost 15 pounds but as soon as she started eating normal again, she gained most of it back. I feel that you have to learn to eat normal and exercise normal if you want to lose weight the healthy way. Having a healthy relationship with food is a life long journey. I wish you luck.
  • Where do you buy your HCG? I have purchased it off Ebay but the same product is no longer there.
  • rene0618
    rene0618 Posts: 105
    I purchased a bunch of candy bars, muffins and other high calorie foods, since I do not keep these in my home... So this diet will end up being kid of pricey once it's all said and done...

    I've read and re-read the protocol several times, It just seems so counterintuitive to force yourself to eat tons to "bad" foods I havent eaten for years... I hope all this sugar and starch doesn't make me feel sick come day 3 when it's time to start the vlcd...

    Probably too late now...but there are NO caloric regulations for the loading days. Give in to your every craving. The loading days are basically your oppourtunity to get out every little craving you could possibly have. In fact the protocol mentions that the higher the fat and sugar the better...and do midnight snacks to. One of my loading days consisted of Pizza, moon pies, french toast, cookies, candy...all sorts of bad stuff, you will gain weight but it will drop off nearly immediately once you start R2. How is it going for you BTW?

    That's what was thinking, we will see how the first round goes, luckily I have 18 months until my wedding and should be able to reach my goals by then!

    Started loading day 1 this morning- I guess I'm used to the 1200 calorie diet I've lived on for the past few years! I ate a large breakfast and I feel stuffed! The only confusing part about the protocol- it doesn't give any caloric recommendations for the loading days- I don't want to overdo/underdo it!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I know people may no want to hear this, but I posted a link about the HCG diet, and the drops don't work. They are expensive, and I see people saying that it will cost a lot. So...just trying to save you all some money. Take it or leave it...I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just trying to save you all money :)

    Good luck!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    If you follow the protocol appropriately you will learn healthy eating, actually even during the vlcd you are eating clean and healthy. The protocol is very strict on reintroducing foods, and the amount of the food in both of the follow on phases to the VLCD. I dont know your friend but if she gained it all back immediately, I would have to say she went back to her old habits, and even if she had been exercising and eating right for 8 months and then went back to her old ways she would still have gained the weight back. There is no magic powder that is going to keep someone from going back to their old habits...unfortunately, and those who may eat clean and healthy and also exercise consistently for several years, could easily find themselves unhealthy again then quickly regain the weight they had kept off for so many years.
    a friend of mine tried it, lost 15 pounds but as soon as she started eating normal again, she gained most of it back. I feel that you have to learn to eat normal and exercise normal if you want to lose weight the healthy way. Having a healthy relationship with food is a life long journey. I wish you luck.
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