

  • I have been adding two tbl spoons of black chia seeds (1 net carb) to Chobani plain yogurt (7 carbs) and one packet of splenda.
  • How do you clothes fit? Have you been taking other measurements besides your weight? I would think this would be a good indicator of whether or not you are gaining muscle.
  • 5'3" (46 years old) HW: 230 (started MFP at 190) CW: 165 (wahoo...progress!) GW: 130 LW: 95
  • I think when people see you everyday weight loss isn't as noticeable. I saw a group of people a few weeks ago that I hadn't seen in over a year and they all noticed. Yet only one person I work with has said anything.
  • Nice job by the way, you look great! I am sure you feel great too!
  • Or when you copy the link you just remove the [IMG][/img]
  • One of my favorite simple recipes is..I cook the quinoa according to the directions but add chicken bullion and half a package of frozen mixed vegetables, Also, I use the allrecipes site anytime I am looking for recipe, it looks like they have a good variety of recipes for quinoa.…
  • Can't wait to try this!
  • For me (after losing and gaining again over the years), I have found that how quickly I loose weight makes a huge difference. When I drop weight more quickly the boobs seem to get smaller very quickly, however when losing around a pound or two per week I am not seeing much of a change in my bra size. And of course the…
  • Have you tried Pilates? I have the same issue as you (or similar anyway) I have found that Pilates really does help firm things up. I have been doing it for just a few weeks now for 20 minutes 3 to 4 days a week. and I am seeing some progress. I think you can find some free ones to try out on Youtube. It can be pretty…
  • I use the treadmill, I have a Kinect (lot's of good active games), I have some Pilates workout tapes that are great. One thing I have found is that there is a large variety of fitness workouts available on Cable OnDemand, gives you a chance to try something out before you buy a DVD or attend a class. Youtube also has a…
  • Do you think you might be missing something in your diet? I use to feel the same way and I haven't had that feeling in a while. Hunger is your brain's way of telling you I need you to give me something I need. It doesn't always have to be a lot, it just has to be the right thing. That is my experience anyway.
  • I have been following the anabolic diet for 3 1/2 months. It makes it a lot easier to stick with the low carb thing. Low carb Monday through Friday (less than 30g), then pretty much whatever you want on the weekend. I have consistantly lost a pound a week and have not felt this great in years. I will be having blood work…
  • Hello, I have been following this diet for about 14 weeks and I have consistently lost a pound a week. I feel awesome mentally and physically. It still amazes me that I can eat like this and lose weight too. I have found a few low carb "sweets" that make the Mon-Fri more enjoyable. My brother started the anabolic diet 4…
  • I wanna play too! :o)
  • I started following the anabolic diet 6 weeks ago. It has worked well for me. I have lost about a pound a week, which in it's self is not remarkable.However, considering I have been dieting for over 6 months without any movement on the scale or change in how my clothe fit. I was counting calories(and staying far under the…