

  • i have the same problem. but i just take it a day at time and think that i didn't gain all this weight over night so i'm not going to lose it over night. just think of how much better you will feel. i carry water with me all the time. it helps me to not eat as much. and i limit myself to one diet soda a day because i'm…
  • do you lose weight by working out on the wii fit?
  • i was doing really well in the fall semester with going to the gym everyday and watching what i ate and i felt so good. that was until my boyfriend of three years just up and left me for another girl. i'm having a really hard time getting back to the gym and eating healthier. any ideas?
  • yes they do have vinegar avaliable. lately all i have been eating has been turkey sandwiches and salad...but i don't think that is the way to go.
  • i'm in college and eat at the dining hall twice a day. i'm new to this and i don't know what to eat to be healthy and lose weight. we have a salad bar, a place for sandwiches, and then of course the homecooked meals. any ideas?