shunke Member


  • Hey, good job on setting your goal for your 40th, that's awesome. As for weight loss, building muscle has always helped me shed the pounds and keep them off. I can burn through those calories much more easily when I am muscular from weight activities. I mostly lift my body weight, like pushups, lunges, squats, and crazy…
  • I like your thinking. I goofed up last night by eating some of my mother in laws sweet and sour chicken (breaded) even though I had my healthier choices. Today I feel some guilt and resolve to make today a clean day of eating. Sweets are truely my weakness, so I promise not to eat any this weekend and get back on track.…
  • Those are some words I can relate to. Thank you for sharing. I cut my magazine subscriptions to help me declutter my house, but I miss them sometimes. It's ironic how we know what makes us happy, and yet sometimes in a moment of weakness we knowingly choose the wrong thing, bad food choices. Luckily, we can always start…
  • I have used just an inch slice (or two for large dishes) of cream cheese or even reduced fat ones on steamed veggies, pasta and other and then maybe added a one ounce cube of cheddar for the richness of cheddar, and color. Cream cheese melts nicely and goes a really long way, start with just a little and add as desired.…
  • I drink 2-4 cups daily, and crave the stuff. I have found on some brands it says to boil the water and let it "rest" 2-3 minutes before pouring over tea bag. I never did this until a couple weeks ago. It makes a HUGE difference and is so much smoother, less bitter. I do it with most teas now and it improved the taste. Mint…
  • I hope the green tea grows on your taste buds, otherwise it might be a long road. . . My mom was the same way when I started her and now she craves it, almost a junkie. Good luck!
  • I think you need to eat more healthy fats and proteins. That is super low. A gal I work with was sticking to 1200-1300 for months and no change. As soon as she upped it to 1500-1600 the scale started to move. She exercised a lot and needed to add fuel to burn. Worth a try!! Good luck!!
  • I am trying to get back to my ideal weight/muscle tone and it's those last 5-10 that I am struggling with too. With bikini season right around the corner I can sympathize with your struggle. If you figure out how to get it to start moving downward please share!! Good luck!
  • jumping rope (with a weighted rope) is an awesome one, as are martial arts type kicks and punches. Plus, they are super fun!!
  • I just joined MFP today and decided to do so because I have been going it alone for years. I need a little extra help getting back on the wagon this time, so thought I'd try this. It's kinda neat having a sounding board and others in similar situations. YOu can see how they overcame issues and in return offer advice to…
  • You just cannot beat soft boiled eggs, a handful of nuts and a piece of fruit. Eggs help keep me full for hours!! They are so easy to have on hand and very inexpensive.