19rosehill Member


  • Thanks heaps for that heybales. One question- what did you mean by - outside- of the 6-9 month beginner stage? Is that AFTER the 6-9 months.so if I'm beginner now does that mean it's too early to eat at surplace? I think that's where I've gone wrong, my thinking has been 'I'm trying to build muscle therefore I don't need…
  • I hear you tazzydevil ! All the way from Melbourne. There are food lists I try to follow and avoid for hypothyroidism and it's very similar to fodmaps so I'm recently trying to follow it too.i don't really get pain but heaps of gas and bloating so same as yourself- why do I find myself overeating choc (full of wheat and…
  • I agree with above.was also going to state about the water attached to binging.ive also had to learn the same lesson. Binge monster grabs my brain too.totally understand and hate it too!! It can take up to 3 months for the body to stop holding onto the water after a binge and release it over time. Got told that by a girl…
  • Remember you are a human being not a robot. Life is everyday, made up of different incidences that distract us from our goals at times. Try not to think of others who are in the kind of shape you admire as getting there easy. Also take the magnifying glass off yourself that makes the issue huger than it is.you can take…
  • Great thanks for that.
  • So in regards to abs being built in the kitchen- when you have your body fat low enough to specifically work it in routines - I'm confused about everything I've read re macros and fats nutrition.so should a person in this case not eat fats/ tiny amount ? Or is it more about ensuring an overall macro calorie deficit?
  • Try fitnessrxwomen.com there's a lady on there called Mary dent that has a good routine
  • Chene249 I totally totally get where you are coming from.like the other fellow sufferers- I too went through this extremely bewildering stage and I do believe (and still feel at times) I must have lost my complete sanity. It actually angers or frustrates me that the therapists of our care either don't know that this is a…
  • Usmcmp- hi I'm female,5ft 9,135 pounds, 20% bf and calories 1825. Just new to lifting, would love to lose 2% bf and gain 5pound of muscle and have abs like your pic.is that a reality possibility and how long do you think it would take time frame? I work out with a trainer 2-3 times a week and on my own cardio 4 days…
  • Hi J, I'm in the same situation as you so I'm so glad to be learning from your question/answers too.im skinny everywhere but my abs and as soon as I put any weight on it would go straight to that spot.i HATE my side profile so much as I look pregnant when I'm not. I use to keep fat off by hours and hours of cardio, but of…
  • I went to a party Saturday night.took food in my bag and 2 bottles of mineral water to try and keep myself from wandering calorie extras - but - I still overrate too.but after I looked for the positives.i was very choosy at what I picked to eat, and absolutely enjoyed every mouthful.so I'm not regretting it.but the…