Bony but my stomach is flabby?

Hi, I have been recovering from anorexia and as I continue to gain weight my stomach has the same amount of fat as it used to but my bones still stick out. It doesn't make sense to me. I also know it isn't my imagination because I've showed other people and they see the stomach fat too when i pinch it. I still haven't started my period yet, and I do a few ab exercises almost everyday to keep it toned even though it doesn't seem to be helping much. I was wondering if someone could explain to me why my stomach is back to normal but everywhere else isn't? Plus, my stomach has never been this squishy before, I was never close to being overweight.


  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    Sometimes during weight regain, body fat distributes differently at first. I remember seeing an article where Mila Kunis commented about a similar experience when she regained weight after her performance in Black Swan.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited November 2014
    Women are meant to have body fat. Even on their stomachs. The only way to get rid of it and be remotely healthy is to eat at a slight surplus and lift heavy, to build muscle, and then cut gently to get rid of fat while preserving muscle.

    If you're trying to do it any other way, through deficits or whatever, then you aren't doing it right, and you're harming your body.

    Eat. Lift. Build muscle. Then cut gently.
  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    Women are meant to have body fat. Even on their stomachs. The only way to get rid of it and be remotely healthy is to eat at a slight surplus and lift heavy, to build muscle, and then cut gently to get rid of fat while preserving muscle.

    If you're trying to do it any other way, through deficits or whatever, then you aren't doing it right, and you're harming your body.

    Eat. Lift. Build muscle. Then cut gently.

    That ^. Especially the lifting weight & building muscle part
  • JesusIsForreal
    JesusIsForreal Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you guys, your responses help :)
  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    I would guess that you lack muscle mass . you in essence need to do some form of resistance training to convert the additional calories you are eating in to muscle rather then fat.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    Your body is just trying to restore itself by laying down some essential hormone-producing fat anywhere it can, in your case on the stomach. As you continue to regain, your body will build up your limbs etc and you will end up back in proportion again - just a far healthier and stronger version of yourself.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    OP, depending on your current weight (and a ton of other factors), it may or may not be safe for you to exercise right now. Please don't start lifting weights or doing any other strenuous exercise unless your doctor clears you to do so. People in recovery from anorexia are seriously at risk for some nasty health issues, like heart attacks.
  • I agree with AliceDark; wait for a doctor's ok before you start exercising. (And preferably, a doctor who specializes in ED:)

    And yes, I'm in recovery, and I'm finding that body fat doesn't distribute evenly at first. I was always super conscious about my ribs sticking out, but I first gained weight in my stomach and my "Klingon chest" was like the last thing to go. But if you keep at recovery, like the others will saying, the proportions will be right again:)

  • SpecialKH
    SpecialKH Posts: 70 Member
    I assume you are being treated by a doctor/psychologist for the anorexia. Are they also not including a nutritional coach?

    You starved your body. It now only knows to conserve and store in the form of fat because your track record has told your body it needs to pack on some fat under the assumption you'll starve it again. Be gentle with yourself. It takes some time to regulate your metabolism. Check with your physician about exercising to recoup muscle and the nutrition you will need to do that. Once your body knows (could take a year or more - don't rush it) it's getting the same stready stream of nutrition and the same expending of calories through exercise, it can let go of some fat but not until then.

    So if you aren't seeing a combination of medical doctor, psychologist and nutrition counselor, you need all 3 for a successful end to the unhealthy trends you have been putting your body through.
  • 19rosehill
    19rosehill Posts: 16 Member
    Hi J, I'm in the same situation as you so I'm so glad to be learning from your question/answers skinny everywhere but my abs and as soon as I put any weight on it would go straight to that spot.i HATE my side profile so much as I look pregnant when I'm not. I use to keep fat off by hours and hours of cardio, but of course if I had to stop - bang weight on/pregnant look that I've healed to a certain point that I can accept eating more and weights/resistance is the way to go, i can slightly tolerate it waiting for muscle, but my challenge is - other people! Especially ones who know my illness and should know better- verbally pointing out to me that I've put on weight/even if I actually havnt:I just happened to cut my hair!
    - They don't get it that NO I don't need that pointed out to me= freaking out like someone's fear of spiders!! A physical improvement doesn't equate to the illness fully healed! Emotionally we still have a long way to go, so I just wish they would stop kicking me in my recovery and let me complete the journey!!
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I have not had/don't have an eating disorder, but I am pretty small now and I have the same problem! I think it's just that women's bodies like to have some fat on the belly. I have heard over and over that the way to address it is to eat at a healthy maintenance level and lift heavy weights regularly.

    Like others have pointed out, you do need to have a doctor's clearance to exercise since you are in recovery-- since like AliceDark mentioned, some scary health problems can arise if you exercise before your body is ready for it.