Ojimjams Member


  • I'm not quite sure what you mean by periodising workouts. I tend to hahaha =) I'm already experiencing progress with the increased cals which is so motivating! Thank you for being willing to help out with my queries XD XD
  • Thank you so much for the in-depth response. I'm definitely going to try to take as much of this on board as possible. I've aready decided to reduce the amount of cardio I do per week and will see what happens!
  • @empressichel Thanks very much for your response. I definitely wasn't seeing any improvements under 2000, but lately I have been going a bit crazy with trying to get the scale to move ! ( Just as a sidenote I do also take measurements ) The calculators have always been my 'guide' and I used my watch for specificity. I do…
  • @heybales Thank you very much for your response. Both my old tomtom and new garmin both track steps. The Garmin shows the exact same RMR each day ( it breaks down my calorie burn between rmr and 'active calories'). Please forgive the confusion here: do you think I should turn of the 24/7hr function and see what that says?…
  • @empressichel Please do feel free to use it!
  • A few gym sessions ago I was aiming to hit 60kg on my back squats. Well, in my latest leg day session I hit 70kg! I've been feeling so much stronger in the gym and smashing my original goal means the world to me. Also, just as important is that my relationship with food has done a 180° turn. Food is not my enemy. It is…
  • Thank you for the add! I've read the stickies and a lot of what's on the EM2WL website and feeling well equipped!
  • Hi Allan! Thanks for your advice. I guess you're right. I mean we're not robots so I guess I should get used to the fact that there will be good days and bad ( although I will try to keep the bad days to an absolute minimum) I guess my ' why' is that should I ever decide to have kids when I'm older I want to know that that…