Weight loss motivation gone after losing some pounds

Hey everyone,
So I was wondering if anyone else has gone through a period where they are seriously lacking motivation to continue with their weight loss journey. I'm a 5ft 1.5 female and I started at 150 lbs and am now down to 134.8 lbs! All of this since the beginning of January. Finally losing weight was this years resolution and I haven't been this weight in years! I am really happy with what I've achieved so far and I'm at that point where other people are starting to notice a little too, which is extremely encouraging. Then again, I'm only 5ft 1 so people notice changes in my weight pretty darn quickly -__-. Anyway, my main reason for wanting to lose weight is that PCOS is a huge problem in my family, and I have an aunt who has been trying for years on end to get pregnant and has been unsuccessful. I don't want to wait till this stage for me to try and do anything about it. Prevention is the best form of medication. I don't have full-blwon PCOS yet, but I have some of the other symptoms. Also, my bloodwork isn't outrageous, but not where I want it to be. My goal is to get to 110 lbs which reeallly isn't outrageous for someone of my height, but I'm finding that I just don't have the same gusto as I did when I started, which is very odd as I'm seeing results.... I thought seeing results would spur me on even further to work out and eat well, but I dunno... maybe it's self-sabotage as I haven't been this weight in ages???

Long story short does anyone have any tips to ' get back into it' after they've sort of well stopped for no apparent reason. Physically, I'm not happy with my body either... because of my height I still look rather stocky and just, well, chubbs -__-

Thanks in advance to everyone!


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    First of all, great job on the 15 lb loss. That's a great start! Motivation can be a tricky thing. Somedays you have it, and somedays you don't. One thing you can do to help keep you on track is to remind yourself of your "why". My "why" is to set the right example for my son, so he doesn't have to deal with the problems I had. I strong "why" will help you to stick to your plan on those days when you just don't feel like it.

    Also, support and accountability are SUPER IMPORTANT. When you have people that know what you are doing and are there to support, motivate, and encourage you, it's so much easier to stay on track. I know it has been one of the biggest things to push me to reach and surpass my goals.

    I help to operate weight loss support groups through Facebook. They're full of people that are improving their health and fitness through regular exercise and proper nutrition and want to help everyone else along the way too. I'd be happy to chat about it with you more if you would like.

  • Ojimjams
    Ojimjams Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Allan!

    Thanks for your advice. I guess you're right. I mean we're not robots so I guess I should get used to the fact that there will be good days and bad ( although I will try to keep the bad days to an absolute minimum) I guess my ' why' is that should I ever decide to have kids when I'm older I want to know that that option is available, and I guess I just want to have more confidence, especially as I'm starting college this year. Hopefully that'll keep me accountable!!!