

  • Black Room Boy - Above & Beyond
  • I have been running 2 miles 3 days a week, so about 6 miles a week, as well as circuit training in my college on a Wednesday. I'll take a look at that thank you very much!
  • Ryan Gosling, I don't care if we don't look alike
  • Nothing wrong with weighing in daily, just remember not to panic if you're a pound or two higher. Digestion takes time and eating an hour later than you normally do the night before you weigh in can make those pounds suddenly appear. But as a rule of thumb its a good habit to get into, I normally wake up, use the toilet,…
  • Before rushing out to buy a pre-workout be sure to take into consideration your meal timing and what kind of nutrients you are getting before your workout. You could be feeling sluggish because of a change you have made to your diet recently or it could simply be down to lifestyle. Either way I would definitely take a…
  • Definitely gotta try these, thanks!
  • Yeah veggies are a safe bet, some more than others, I can have a serving of both frozen peas and carrots and the calories in both of them equate to about half that of a serving of sweetcorn. It's all about finding alternatives you like and applying them to your meals I also know the feeling when you have to eat at college,…
  • I'd honestly be more open to drinking it if I didn't feel like a child taking his medicine when I did, I just can't get round that taste. Any green tea drinkers that have any suggestions for something you can add to it to knock that taste off that would not bump up its calories?
  • My suggestion would be perhaps give it another week and see how you go, are you weighing yourself every morning? Also did you weigh in at the same time as last week? Body weight can fluctuate due to everything that goes on with fluids the food we're digesting so don't be discouraged. If you get to next week and have the…
  • Love cardio, just another thing I can do to push myself and improve at! I tend to jog 2 miles 3 days a week (on rest days) and it's keeping my weightloss going at a steady rate.