

  • both lol but remember if you take it off to fast it WILL come back faster so slow and steady is the best i went weeks where i didnt loose but i could tell i was loseing inches which i loved even bought a few new things to wear which really can boost your mind and make you fell great.. You are off to a great start add me as…
  • 35 min 238 calories thats what i found here but i think would have to be more than that so i put in also 15 mins of streatching,,,which is calories extra, I hope someone else replys also because ive tried writing on there main tv page and have gotton no answer also...would be nice if they put that on there dvds I love…
  • Omg I love this site THANKS so much everyone for the great ideas. Going to hit the store later this week and try this ideas out...And Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a post makes all the difference in the world when we are fighting the battle to get healthly and fit. and knowing Im not alone in this is very…
  • Im saving 100 bucks ive heard both good and bad so im not going to try...If you do would love to hear what you have to say and the skettchers i think are ugly lol .
  • I lost 18 lbs the first month and sec month 8 then i had 2 weeks stayed the same i added some extra and different workouts and food choices i also changed my calorie count some have to do that as you lose weight..Im stalled again this week and some water weight not sure whats going on...im sure Ive shocked my body. I tried…
  • Im going to check it out. thanks
  • Thanks everyone Im going to start doing this on Thursday since that is my weigh in day ,I will keep everyone posted how it does for me, It seems if I eat my heavy meal at night makes me very lazy for sure and working out can be such a chore and i need to work out lol...I get up at 6.00 am each morning and have my breakfest…
  • I love my binder ball core training hits all the muscles in stomach comes with 3 different dvds i also love the Biggest looser dvds im useing and there are 6 different workouts depends on my mood for the day ...And since Im just starting out these are perfect and you dont over do it...Good luck.