

  • i also started out never have ran and im half way through the couch to 5k recomendations. i didnt follow it very strictly i just kept pushing myself little by little i used to only be able to do 30 seconds now im up to 5 min running. just start with interval training in replace of whatever you used to do for cardio its…
  • that is totally something i would do! so awesome. yay!
  • victoria secrets micro fiber yogo undies in boy shorts.. anything that fits under the butt cheeks lol under armor makes some .... the micro fiber seems to stay in place better.
  • everyone is different... try going to khols cause if you dont like them they will take them back no matter what!
  • well swimming is good because of the resistance, so really you dont have to be "swimming" . try water arobics instead until it heals. i am a swimmer and i pulled my shoulder a few years ago it still acts up sometimes.. if you still want to swim maybe use a kickboard so your not useing your arms or you can even do different…
  • i agree! most people would say i have an active job but bc my body is used to it i dont loose any weight by doing my everyday thing. this is also why we have to change our diet and exercise routine time to time bc our body adapts.
  • has anyone ever seen people (mostly men) walk around the gym and swing both arms almost like a catapult ? someone told me they do it at curves for a station. i dont get it and the big guys doing it look like they are going to punch someone.
  • i cook all my food for the week on sunday or monday this makes it much more easy to grab and go especially when i pre container or bag everything. hard boiled eggs are a great on the go thing or like everyone else said fruit or raw veggies if you dont need the sugar in your meal plans for the day like me.