Am I missing something?



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise

    While I was doing all of that, I put on 50 lbs. My mom had 4 kids and a 6 bed room house to maintain for 30 years, she put on 150 lbs. I really doubt that approach will work for me. It might for others tho! So G'luck with that. I wish it could be that easy for me but genetics tell me otherwise.

    I myself dont log any cleaning as exercise like I said.And if you put on 50 pounds it was from your eating.If you had been eating clean and healthy but no other exercise other than day to day life stuff you never would have gained the 50 pounds to begin with.
    Im sure it works for some to clean especially thoses that were sedentray before.Im sure others probobly shouldnt be recording it at all.Im not offended i never get offended.I just thought you sounded preachy

    First off, you are assuming too much. You are being outrageously rude. I didn't gain 50 lbs by the foods I ate. I grew up with healthy clean eating ONLY. We couldn't afford any extras or junk. I carried those eating habits into my adult life. I gained because I had 2 kids and genetics. I even had a few years of trying out a vegan lifestyle. I'm not easily offended but I am completely offended by your assumptions. You maybe should think through the things you say before you say it. I've seen your others posts around on the forums and you seem pretty negative so maybe it would be safe to assume that you like spreading your unhappiness so that your not alone. Sorry for speaking my mind. Have a good day Miss Holier than I.

    I don't find her to be rude. I think you're mad because she called you out for being so preachy.

    I'll log what I like
    I'll eat what I wish
    I'll thank you to keep your judgments to yourself.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    While it may seem silly to some, to others who log that stuff (me included at times), it's really motivating. You may have done that stuff while you were gaining or heavy, but when you are losing weight and you log that, it's motivating to see that it burns calories. Not only does it get you up off your feet, but it motivates you to do those things, and maybe more when you see that it burns calories. When I started losing weight I would wear my heart rate monitor to the store. Carring a 22lb baby with one arm and pushing a cart full of groceries while managing a 2 year old burned lots of calories. I was excited when I saw that. And by then I figured "Hey, I'm on a role, what else can I do?!" And I lost over 40lbs, so I must have done something right.

    I ALSO logged breastfeeding. 500 calories a day burned by producing milk? Yea, I'll count that.

    JMHO, as don't want anyone's feelings being hurt or their motives questioned.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    malais... don't let her get to you... she is just showing her ignorance. Her question... am I missing something? I'd say yeah... you're missing compassion and intellgence. Not everyone is like you, thankfully. She is judging people based her ignorance.

  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    For most people it is every day living, BUT I have a friend on here who had knee surgery, and doing the things you mentioned is her only exercise and a challenge for her. We are all at different stages in our journey, and we should encourage everyone, regardless of fitness level or age. Ragging on people who are older or less fit is just plain mean and selfish and shallow. I agree with what you say for me, but unless you walk in someone elses shoes you don't know what their challenges are.

    I'd also like to say that I had a stroke seven years ago, and when I first started to exercise, 30 seconds of exercising was excruciately painful. Now I often do more than 2 hours of exercise a day and I've lost 51 pounds so far. We all have to start somewhere, and at a level that we can maintain.

    Hallelujah, This is the best part of this post that I have seen. "DO NOT JUDGE LEST YOU BE JUDGED ACCORDINGLY". I wholeheartedly agree. I understand not being ridiculous about it, but at the same time, you have no idea what challenges every individual is or isn't facing, so sometimes less is more. "LISTEN MORE THAN YOU SPEAK!

    I too many years ago went through knee surgery, and understand the point that you are making. I remember years of rehabilitation. It is not a fun road. Thank you so much for your input in this highly controversial subject.:bigsmile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    While this is a great discussion, all I'll say is that if someone wants to log cleaning as exercise, my house is all yours!!!

    :laugh: And after that, they can do mine!

    I'll be honest. When I started, I logged everything. Maybe not housework, but I did log an hour of slow walking when I did a lot of shopping. It helped get me used to logging and set the wheels in motion.

    And I'll still log MAJOR cleaning, like when the inlaws are coming to town and I have to move furniture and stuff to vacuum up the tumbleweeds of pet fur I usually ignore. :wink: I'll log shoveling snow. Hopefully not again this season. It's not something I do every day, and I work up a big sweat. Same goes for mowing the lawn when Mother Nature finally cooperates and lets Spring get here. And the day I had to make seven trips from the car to the house carrying 40# each time of cat litter, bags of dog/cat food, and several cases of soda... I logged that, too.

    But normal household chores... nope.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I have some cars that use wash and waxing, and 2 1/2 acres that need clipping, mowing and weedwacking, so you are welcome to come pound all that out and NOT log it as exercise!:bigsmile:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I don't understand why anyone even cares what OTHERS are doing....different strokes for different folks?
    Well said.
  • Why worry about what others are doing? Your weightloss is to focus on YOU and your goals...not worry about the stuff people are logging. If it's an issue, delete those people. Easy fix! Good luck!
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    I log everything INCLUDING when I breast fed...because it is important to know exactly how many calories you need just to exist, if you are going to lose the healthy way! ESPECIALLY while nursing!!! Your baby needs its nutrients and food from you, you CANNOT take away theirs so you can lose weight. You are only hurting both of you. So PLEASE think before you speak. Some people are just trying to be healthy about their weight loss or maintenance. I like to know exactly what I am putting out and taking in.
  • i agree! most people would say i have an active job but bc my body is used to it i dont loose any weight by doing my everyday thing. this is also why we have to change our diet and exercise routine time to time bc our body adapts.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member

    Next round...

    *gets popcorn*

    LMAO... I love the free entertainment!:drinker:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I didn't gain 50 lbs by the foods I ate. I grew up with healthy clean eating ONLY. We couldn't afford any extras or junk. I carried those eating habits into my adult life. I gained because I had 2 kids and genetics.

    of course you gained weight because of the foods you ate. if not the type, than the quantity. i can honestly say that during my weight gain i ate healthy 90% of the time. the simple fact is i over-ate those 'healthy' foods. if you gained 50 pounds while doing everyday activies, it is not because of 'genetics', it is because you ate more calories than your body needed. plain and simple math.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I didn't gain 50 lbs by the foods I ate. I grew up with healthy clean eating ONLY. We couldn't afford any extras or junk. I carried those eating habits into my adult life. I gained because I had 2 kids and genetics.

    of course you gained weight because of the foods you ate. if not the type, than the quantity. i can honestly say that during my weight gain i ate healthy 90% of the time. the simple fact is i over-ate those 'healthy' foods. if you gained 50 pounds while doing everyday activies, it is not because of 'genetics', it is because you ate more calories than your body needed. plain and simple math.

    Unless you have thyroid or other medical conditions, "weight loss[/gain] is 80% diet, 10% exercise, 10% genetics," Tosca Reno.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member

    Maybe the person isn't considering that "exercise" calories as ones they should be eating but considering it more movement for themselves. Losing weight is all about keeping yourself moving no matter what you're doing. If you don't like that someone listed that they got a little burn cleaning their house then don't read it...simple as. I know I sweat like a pig when I clean so I def log it. What works for one person doesn't work for another. My weight is significantly higher than yours so when I clean I'm going to sweat and burn calories. That doesn't mean this is the only exercise I'm getting in a day. You're darn tootin' I'm going to log a 5 hour day of walking around at Seaworld!!!

    Wow. Your comments are condescending and flippant. At over 300 lbs, you bet your *kitten* housework is exercise. And just because someone logs it , that doesn't mean they eat those calories. For someone who hasn't been strong enough to walk around the block in years, grocery shopping or vacuuming the house is an effort that you will never understand.
    I log everything INCLUDING when I breast fed...because it is important to know exactly how many calories you need just to exist, if you are going to lose the healthy way! ESPECIALLY while nursing!!! Your baby needs its nutrients and food from you, you CANNOT take away theirs so you can lose weight. You are only hurting both of you. So PLEASE think before you speak. Some people are just trying to be healthy about their weight loss or maintenance. I like to know exactly what I am putting out and taking in.

    couldn't have said it better myself!!!

    edit: I would just like to say after reading the responses that there are some SERIOUSLY MEAN people on this forum. How cruel are you! Bully's. I wouldn't say just by walking up the stairs you earn a cookie. I wouldn't condone just using cleaning as exercise but all who commented meanly should be ashamed. Think before you speak. Think of how many people you're DISCOURAGING from using this forum because they feel there are no supportive people just from reading this post. If someone isn't losing weight because they are just cleaning and doing nothing could leave a comment on their post when they make one wondering why they aren't losing weight. You don't have to be mean! A simple "you should add 15-30 mins of walking to this and i bet you'd drop weight! you can do this" is a lot better than all of you negative rude people!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    My .02....

    I'd say you are missing something. You're not thinking about the simple math. Does spending an hour cleaning the house burn as many calories as running for an hour? No. Does it burn SOME calories? Yes. Are those calories burned accounted for in your daily cal goal? Depends. For some they are, for others they are not. It depends on what your settings are (as Eric mentioned.)

    If they are not accounted for, then they need to be added or you don't have all the information. MFP is a tool for measuring intake and output. All of the numbers are estimates and the best we can do is get the best estimates possible. Ignoring, underestimating OR overestimating a component leaves the equation incomplete and inaccurate - and can lead to the formula not working. NOT logging appropriately (or having your settings correct) can lead to overeating OR undereating - both of which can stall weight loss.

    For someone with a sedentary setting, cleaning or casual walking is sometimes appropriate to log. Or maybe that was the closest or most apt description they could find for what they ACTUALLY did. Or maybe they cleaned or cooked for 8 hours and only logged 2 - as I did when I had to cook for 8 hours for my son's birthday. Or as I log cleaning now that I'm working on remodeling my house and I work for 4 hours at it and only log 1 or 2 hours to avoid overestimating. And my activity level is sedentary and I'm almost never on my feet for 8 hours because I work at my desk all day. And I lose weight like clockwork every week.

    The point being, there are a LOT of reasons why someone would/could/SHOULD log this type of activity to ensure that they account for their activity in some way. And there are probably some people who don't need to log it. But if you don't have all the information, there is no way for you to know which it is.

    If you don't like seeing it in someone's diary and don't feel comfortable asking them about it or suggesting something - and can't be supportive of them - then perhaps it's better you take them off of your friends list. Because I'm sure they don't appreciate being judged and labeled a "justifier" by someone who's supposed to be a friend and doesn't have all the information.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise

    While I was doing all of that, I put on 50 lbs. My mom had 4 kids and a 6 bed room house to maintain for 30 years, she put on 150 lbs. I really doubt that approach will work for me. It might for others tho! So G'luck with that. I wish it could be that easy for me but genetics tell me otherwise.

    I myself dont log any cleaning as exercise like I said.And if you put on 50 pounds it was from your eating.If you had been eating clean and healthy but no other exercise other than day to day life stuff you never would have gained the 50 pounds to begin with.
    Im sure it works for some to clean especially thoses that were sedentray before.Im sure others probobly shouldnt be recording it at all.Im not offended i never get offended.I just thought you sounded preachy

    First off, you are assuming too much. You are being outrageously rude. I didn't gain 50 lbs by the foods I ate. I grew up with healthy clean eating ONLY. We couldn't afford any extras or junk. I carried those eating habits into my adult life. I gained because I had 2 kids and genetics. I even had a few years of trying out a vegan lifestyle. I'm not easily offended but I am completely offended by your assumptions. You maybe should think through the things you say before you say it. I've seen your others posts around on the forums and you seem pretty negative so maybe it would be safe to assume that you like spreading your unhappiness so that your not alone. Sorry for speaking my mind. Have a good day Miss Holier than I.

    LMAO not intended to be rude but dosent everyone say when it comes to weight Diet is more important than exercise?I have a right to my opinion.As for me being rude I dont see how I was rude either.I am a very happy person. you were the one being preachy,so mabey being active in day to day life dosent work for you and the only thing that does is exercise?It does not mean that its the same for everyone.So who are you to put down some using cleaning as one of their tools to their weight loss?How am I negitive?How am I un happy? Lol I am very happy my life is freaking great.
    Show me a post where I am being unhappy, disagreeing with people is just disagreeing so if your offened by someone not agreeing with you then that sounds like a issue that is yours to deal with not mine.

    You have been very abrasive in other threads that I have seen. I agree with the OP. Just sayin...
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I agree with the dissenters of the OP. Anyone who's taken the steps to come onto this site and actively participate in filling out THEIR OWN diaries every day, already knows that they have to be honest with themselves in order to succeed. They also know what they are trying to achieve by logging their daily chores as exercise (whether they're trying to track their 'movements' or whether they're calling it actual exercise so they can eat it back). But its their decision and shouldn't be condemned. At worst, they are only hurting themselves and will eventually see the error of their ways (if there are any).

    I personally keep my friends list pared down to people who I've grown to know and trust their judgment. If I disagree with someone's food or exercise diary, or how they go about losing their weight, and therefore can't offer the support to them that I expect from my MFP friends, then I simply unfriend them. I don't call public attention to it and make them (or anyone else who might feel convicted by MY OPINION) feel worse about themselves. This is supposed to be a safe place where people bare a lot of themselves, and I'd hate to see it become anything else.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Since the boyfriend does most of the house work...can I log it when I do clean? :laugh:

    I think for some people they log it if they are set to sedentary lifestyle and they have felt they have exerted some effort.

    I get what you are saying and have seen people log it just for the normal day to day stuff. Either unfriend them if it annoys you or find a way to say "hey, if you really want to figure out why you aren't losing, get a HRM and see how many calories you are actually burning:"

    My pet peeve is people that log ridiculous amounts from the machines at the gym...those are NOT always accurate. :explode:
  • I will post cleaning as an exercise if I worked up a sweat doing it. But I dont eat my exercise calories anyways. It is for my own personal records of what I did for the day.....In my opinion if you dont like when people do that dont read or comment on it. To each his own.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise

    While I was doing all of that, I put on 50 lbs. My mom had 4 kids and a 6 bed room house to maintain for 30 years, she put on 150 lbs. I really doubt that approach will work for me. It might for others tho! So G'luck with that. I wish it could be that easy for me but genetics tell me otherwise.

    I myself dont log any cleaning as exercise like I said.And if you put on 50 pounds it was from your eating.If you had been eating clean and healthy but no other exercise other than day to day life stuff you never would have gained the 50 pounds to begin with.
    Im sure it works for some to clean especially thoses that were sedentray before.Im sure others probobly shouldnt be recording it at all.Im not offended i never get offended.I just thought you sounded preachy

    First off, you are assuming too much. You are being outrageously rude. I didn't gain 50 lbs by the foods I ate. I grew up with healthy clean eating ONLY. We couldn't afford any extras or junk. I carried those eating habits into my adult life. I gained because I had 2 kids and genetics. I even had a few years of trying out a vegan lifestyle. I'm not easily offended but I am completely offended by your assumptions. You maybe should think through the things you say before you say it. I've seen your others posts around on the forums and you seem pretty negative so maybe it would be safe to assume that you like spreading your unhappiness so that your not alone. Sorry for speaking my mind. Have a good day Miss Holier than I.

    LMAO not intended to be rude but dosent everyone say when it comes to weight Diet is more important than exercise?I have a right to my opinion.As for me being rude I dont see how I was rude either.I am a very happy person. you were the one being preachy,so mabey being active in day to day life dosent work for you and the only thing that does is exercise?It does not mean that its the same for everyone.So who are you to put down some using cleaning as one of their tools to their weight loss?How am I negitive?How am I un happy? Lol I am very happy my life is freaking great.
    Show me a post where I am being unhappy, disagreeing with people is just disagreeing so if your offened by someone not agreeing with you then that sounds like a issue that is yours to deal with not mine.

    You have been very abrasive in other threads that I have seen. I agree with the OP. Just sayin...

    disagreeing with some one is not being abrasive just sayin
    Its funny how if someone has difference of opinion they are abrasive.
    Give me and example of being abrasive and not one where all I am doing is not agreeing with what someone said
    Your free to agree with her but I personlly think it stems from the thread where I was disagreeing with you.
This discussion has been closed.