Am I missing something?



  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I agree as well, but they have to do what they think is right for them, and if it doesn't work, then they will need to adjust. I never logged cleaning or anything cause I figured thats just normal stuff. But I did some heavier cleaning the other day and I don't normally do that, but was curious and so wore my heart monitor and had burned 399, I realized then why people count them. I sure wouldn't though if it was every day regular cleaning. However, I was with a baby (11 months, bout the size of a 9 month old) Sunday for 3 hours, holding her most of the time and I haven't held no baby for many years like that. But never would have even thought to count that. My arms were definitely sore though.
  • B140
    B140 Posts: 56
    I don't understand why anyone even cares what OTHERS are doing....different strokes for different folks?

  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    That goes for breastfeeding too!!........if u log everything u do then ur taking out the rule of burn more than what u eat!! And extra exercise wont really kill any bad food u ate! But ur diary will tell u it did!! :laugh:
    Just eat well and do real workouts:smile:

    Okay, I am confused? Are you saying people shouldn't be logging breastfeeding? :huh: It is valid to do, as when you are breastfeeding exclusively, your body uses up to 500 calories more a day to create the milk. It is not about a "burn" for weight loss, it is about having enough calories to create food for your baby.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I might just set my activity level at sedentary so I can justify logging every time I do laundry downstairs and put my baby to bed upstairs.

    Way to enable and justify!

    I don't mean to sound rude if I do, BUT! My mom is one to justify EVERYTHING! and she puts down sedentary as her activity level and then tells herself that everything she does is exercise and I've watched her gain 15 lbs in 3 months while I've been sweating it off. I just don't think living can constitute as exercise NO MATTER WHAT! It's just another way to give a person justification instead of owning themselves.
    Don't get so worked up over what others are doing, it's not worth it. Just take care of yourself and do what's best for you.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I don't understand why anyone even cares what OTHERS are doing....different strokes for different folks?


    For the most part, you don't.

    But when people on your friends list log everything other than sitting on their bums as 'exercise' and they're trying to lose 20 pounds, it becomes frustrating. They aren't asking for any advice, mind you, but every week they lament their lack of weight loss. You can't say anything because they haven't asked for advice, but you can't really support them in the disappointment when it's plain as day why they aren't losing an ounce.

    I guess eventually you just 'unfriend' them.
  • I might just set my activity level at sedentary so I can justify logging every time I do laundry downstairs and put my baby to bed upstairs.

    Way to enable and justify!

    Ok, now you're just being mean.

    Was not my intentions. I do agree that everyone is different. I do agree that some of those things are exercise for people. But I was just stating my own opinion from my own experiences. I don't really care what others are doing with their time but I do care when it becomes an everyday complaint from that person about why they are not losing the weight they want. We all are very different. I mean seriously, I'm asthmatic. I live in a farm house and when I go up or down stairs, I'm winded!!! Do I record that? Did I just earn myself a cookie? I mean seriously, this was meant to be funny and eye opening and a start of discussion to see if maybe I can actually start recording these things. I mean maybe I'm not eating enough!!! Maybe I'll start shedding lbs faster if I do my dishes more vigorously and eat back those delicious calories I exerted. Smile. Its only Tuesday. It's too early in the week to be so serious.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I log it bc that's the only exercise I can get right now...and it makes me feel better to see that I have burned some calories. My weight gain is from having two children not from sitting around on my butt all day. Before my last son (who was born a little over a month ago) I was very active and ran and exercised 3 times a week but not now...I have to wait until I am cleared from my doctor to exercise. So until then while I am at home on maternity leave I have been giving my house a vigorous cleaning and logging it. I don't think it should really matter what I log and what I don't - at least I am doing some sort of activity during the day other than sitting on my fat butt! lol Although - it's got a lot of cushion to it right now! lol :laugh:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I might just set my activity level at sedentary so I can justify logging every time I do laundry downstairs and put my baby to bed upstairs.

    Way to enable and justify!

    Ok, now you're just being mean.

    Was not my intentions. I do agree that everyone is different. I do agree that some of those things are exercise for people. But I was just stating my own opinion from my own experiences. I don't really care what others are doing with their time but I do care when it becomes an everyday complaint from that person about why they are not losing the weight they want. We all are very different. I mean seriously, I'm asthmatic. I live in a farm house and when I go up or down stairs, I'm winded!!! Do I record that? Did I just earn myself a cookie? I mean seriously, this was meant to be funny and eye opening and a start of discussion to see if maybe I can actually start recording these things. I mean maybe I'm not eating enough!!! Maybe I'll start shedding lbs faster if I do my dishes more vigorously and eat back those delicious calories I exerted. Smile. Its only Tuesday. It's too early in the week to be so serious.

    No worries--I saw you went back and edited your post to soften it up a bit. I had replied before the edit. ;) I do get what you're saying.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    That goes for breastfeeding too!!........if u log everything u do then ur taking out the rule of burn more than what u eat!! And extra exercise wont really kill any bad food u ate! But ur diary will tell u it did!! :laugh:
    Just eat well and do real workouts:smile:

    Okay, I am confused? Are you saying people shouldn't be logging breastfeeding? :huh: It is valid to do, as when you are breastfeeding exclusively, your body uses up to 500 calories more a day to create the milk. It is not about a "burn" for weight loss, it is about having enough calories to create food for your baby.

    my wife lost all her baby weight, eating over 1800 cals/day, in 3 months due to breastfeeding, no other working out. She is now 3 lbs under her pre-pregnancy weight after 5 months, still not doing any other exercise. (she was smallish prior to being pregnant (5'4" 120 lbs)'and only gained 25-30 lbs during) She is now 118, so yes breastfeeding definitely counts.
  • That goes for breastfeeding too!!........if u log everything u do then ur taking out the rule of burn more than what u eat!! And extra exercise wont really kill any bad food u ate! But ur diary will tell u it did!! :laugh:
    Just eat well and do real workouts:smile:

    Okay, I am confused? Are you saying people shouldn't be logging breastfeeding? :huh: It is valid to do, as when you are breastfeeding exclusively, your body uses up to 500 calories more a day to create the milk. It is not about a "burn" for weight loss, it is about having enough calories to create food for your baby.

    my wife lost all her baby weight, eating over 1800 cals/day, in 3 months due to breastfeeding, no other working out. She is not 3 lbs under her pre-pregnancy weight after 5 months, still not doing any other exercise. (she was smallish prior to being pregnant (5'4" 120 lbs)'and only gained 25-30 lbs during) She is now 118, so yes breastfeeding definitely counts.

    As a mommy who is breastfeeding her 14 month old daughter, I can tell you that I lost all of my post baby weight with breastfeeding so I know that recording breastfeeding as exercise is REAL. I record it as 300 cals burned now that she is older and I got the 'okay' from my doctor. So yes, I eat those calories because my body needs those! I don't, however, always eat my exercise calories because that is just too much for me to eat. Breastfeeding is NOT the same as doing
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    My thinking is "I cleaned my house and did laundry for years and I still got fat. Logging it now is not going to make me skinny."
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Why does it matter to you what other people log as exercise? If you dont agree with it then you dont have to do it yourself.I dont log cleaning as exercise,but I dont care if other people do.They know how hard they worked.
    I think the people that get bothered by it are the ones that are slipping into that "im better than you" mindset that is kinda crazy around here.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Why does it matter to you what other people log as exercise? If you dont agree with it then you dont have to do it yourself.

    Someone else made a valid point in here somewhere. Some people may be jeopardizing themselves. It's easy to overestimate things, and then you see the same people saying "Oh i haven't lost any weight and what am I doing wrong...etc."
  • My thinking is "I cleaned my house and did laundry for years and I still got fat. Logging it now is not going to make me skinny."

    Exactly! lol ...but I have wondered if I exert myself to the extreme, tossed on some loud techno music and put on my sneakers and tried it in turbo speed (like we do when finding out the mother in law is on the way), and did it everyday if I could toss out my workout dvd's. I mean, after all, I've had to let some chores go just so I can squeeze in my cardio during nap times. Maybe house cleaning can be my new workout of choice!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise
  • Why does it matter to you what other people log as exercise? If you dont agree with it then you dont have to do it yourself.I dont log cleaning as exercise,but I dont care if other people do.They know how hard they worked.
    I think the people that get bothered by it are the ones that are slipping into that "im better than you" mindset that is kinda crazy around here.

    If I thought I was better than anyone here, I wouldn't be here. I'd be busy modeling my bod for Vogue or strutting myself in a bikini down main street but alas, I'm still the little fat girl chasing my daughters around my unkept house while trying to toss in a exercise routine between diaper changes and homework and laundry. I'm far from being better than anyone. Trust me, I cuss like a Sailor (probably because I'm married to one), I insult myself more than anyone of you could, I eat candy bars loaded with calories, and at the end of the day I think to myself that sweating it out is so not worth it when I'd rather be eating my way through a Chinese buffet. I have my completely inspired days and my 'what the mother-F' days too. Unfortunately today is the later version and I just get tired of people asking for inspiration and motivation and logging dishes as cardio for the day and then in the next post whine about no weight loss this week. I care A LOT and care enough to start a post to get people thinking about what they log as exercise. It's just a thought that I felt compelled to share. If your offended, you don't need to keep coming back to read my 'thoughts'
  • I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise

    While I was doing all of that, I put on 50 lbs. My mom had 4 kids and a 6 bed room house to maintain for 30 years, she put on 150 lbs. I really doubt that approach will work for me. It might for others tho! So G'luck with that. I wish it could be that easy for me but genetics tell me otherwise.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    That goes for breastfeeding too!!........if u log everything u do then ur taking out the rule of burn more than what u eat!! And extra exercise wont really kill any bad food u ate! But ur diary will tell u it did!! :laugh:
    Just eat well and do real workouts:smile:

    Breastfeeding requires extra calories to make milk. There is no way to add breastfeeding into your daily caloric needs unless you put it into your food or exercise log. Its not like people are saying that it is exercise.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise

    While I was doing all of that, I put on 50 lbs. My mom had 4 kids and a 6 bed room house to maintain for 30 years, she put on 150 lbs. I really doubt that approach will work for me. It might for others tho! So G'luck with that. I wish it could be that easy for me but genetics tell me otherwise.

    I myself dont log any cleaning as exercise like I said.And if you put on 50 pounds it was from your eating.If you had been eating clean and healthy but no other exercise other than day to day life stuff you never would have gained the 50 pounds to begin with.
    Im sure it works for some to clean especially thoses that were sedentray before.Im sure others probobly shouldnt be recording it at all.Im not offended i never get offended.I just thought you sounded preachy
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    While this is a great discussion, all I'll say is that if someone wants to log cleaning as exercise, my house is all yours!!!
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