Swimming - shoulder problem

Hey y'all. I started swimming in addition to my regular workouts about 3 weeks ago. Earlier this week, my left shoulder has been KILLING ME. It's really tight & I maybe I have a strain or pinched nerve. I've been putting Tiger Balm & Biofreeze on it for the past few days. I've been using a massage pad to try to loosen the muscles. Nothing has really worked. Any tips?

Also...I hate to stop swimming because it's really helping w/ my weight loss. Any advice on my technique & ways to avoid this problem in the future?



    Take it from a competitive swimmer with multiple shoulder injuries... You want go go get checked out.
    It can be anything; from simply too-tight muscles to a tore rotator cuff to a displaced rib or collar bone (I've had them all, the last two are NOT fun).
    Before you continue swimming, go get that shoulder checked out ASAP!
  • well swimming is good because of the resistance, so really you dont have to be "swimming" . try water arobics instead until it heals. i am a swimmer and i pulled my shoulder a few years ago it still acts up sometimes.. if you still want to swim maybe use a kickboard so your not useing your arms or you can even do different strokes that dont bother the shoulder as much.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Hey! I was a swimmer for 8 years and I had MAJOR shoulder issues. I had tendinitis from over use and it sounds like a similar pain to what you have. If it hurts you, I would NOT keep doing it as you will just hurt yourself more in the long run. I also suggest seeing your doctor if it does not get any better.

    But until your shoulder feels better or you can make it to see the doctor, you can still swim - well you can kick. Grab a kickboard and go for it! It's still a great leg/aerobic workout, and you won't have to keep using your hurt arm!
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    definitely go see a doctor if it's really bothering you. try dynamic stretching before swimming and you might want to even hop out after warmup or chill at the shallow end of the pool and do some more stretches. Your stroke might also be off and you might be over-compensating which could be why your shoulder hurts.

    I used to be a competitive swimmer but never really had a serious shoulder problem. they'd get tight but I went to a chiropractor and used mineral ice.

    good luck!