

  • I give myself a garbage plate now and then. Not very often. Maybe every two - three weeks I have one meal where I just don't worry about the calorie count AT ALL. I know that even by going 500-600 calories over my usual day's intake it's NOWHERE NEAR the damage I used to do on a daily basis.
  • I'm 5'9 and I currently weight 199 and a size 14. I'm trying to get to 165. That puts me in the top of the "healthy range" which will get me into a size 10, I'm guessing, which is really the size I want to be. Any thinner and my face looks gaunt to me.
  • You're ahead of the game! If I were feeling sad, I'd likely be eating a Snickers....
  • I'm sure it was easily 3,000 to 4,000 calories a day. EASILY. The biggest change in my life has been my "no more fast food" rule. Not proud about it but I used to stop on the way to the office at McD's and get a sausage/egg/cheese biscuit and hash brown. Then at lunch I always had fast food, usually Taco Bell or Burger…
  • I can put a serious late night dent into a bag of Almond M&M's.
  • This is my first attempt where I've had success. This website has been the reason. I started at the first of the year and set up ground rules for myself that I knew would be realistic and it's worked: 1 - No fast food. If I am with someone who wants to go to a fast food restaurant I order what has the least calories on the…
  • I keep 100 calorie snacks at my desk in case I get hungry at work. I have both sweet and salty, depending on what I happen to be craving. Also, the individual cups of applesauce are great because you eat it with a spoon and it's more time consuming. Somehow taking my tie to eat that satisfies my hunger/craving more than…
  • Congrats! I started in January, too. It's worked great. Hope you have success, as well!!
  • I've lost twenty pounds since January 1! I had no idea how much easier it is using a tool like until I started. I actually started with but switched over when I realized how much better and more customizable is. Thirty more pounds to go by June 15th. Hopefully it will be as easy…