I've tried losing weight - but I'm tired of trying.

zellasmom Posts: 1 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I am ready for some change. I have tried dieting before and I guess it's just that word diet that I can't stand. I am making a life change. I have about 20-40 pounds to lose. Does anyone have any advice on how to get through the first couple weeks without giving into food?


  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    track everything! drink water, and be honest on your diary. Make sure anything that crosses your lips gets logged. You can do this MFP is awesome!
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    I think you are doing exactly the right thing right now by reaching out... We can't do this alone and we need help before we decide to take that first bite. Maybe take on a food sponsor of sorts...
  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    track everything! drink water, and be honest on your diary. Make sure anything that crosses your lips gets logged. You can do this MFP is awesome!

    I second that! EVERYTHING you eat, write it down. The first week or two are challenging, but seeing and reading what you are eating makes a huge impact !!
  • nikkijedlo
    nikkijedlo Posts: 30 Member
    I think that you're starting with the right attitude! It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle! I take it day by day. If I have a bad day, food or otherwise, I don't beat myself up. Tomorrow is a new day! Good luck on your new lifestyle! :)

  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    totally agree.. I have such a crazy life that sometimes fast food is neccessary until this site I thought I was making the right choices in food... it has helped alot.. good luck and good thing to remember it is not a diet it is a lifestyle change..
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    I think that you're starting with the right attitude! It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle! I take it day by day. If I have a bad day, food or otherwise, I don't beat myself up. Tomorrow is a new day! Good luck on your new lifestyle! :)


    great way to think..
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    I have to third the tracking thing. Some things that you love to eat lose a lot of their appeal when you realize you are eating 1500 at one sitting. Add friends on here, too. Having someone to be accountable to helps keep you honest. If you cheat and you are the only who knows then it's easier to not care. When I know that my awesome ladies are going to see it I feel like I can't let them down and it keeps me honest.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Just using MFP is a good start! I thought I was eating quite healthily ..... I was wrong LOL

    Having my food diary open to everyone is motivation for me to not eat all the crap hehe, you have to be totally honest though when logging your food, log everything, weigh things, and check nutrition info (alot of it is wrong on here). and get adding some friends, (add me!) everyone on MFP is soo supportive and when you feel like being naughty there is always someone here who will talk you out of it lol x
  • track everything even a few crackers!careful with the meats,cheeses,breads,pastas,sweets, and more.
    check things before you eat or make dinner.
    exercise 20 minutes a day (minimum)
    drink 8 glasses of water a day
    limit alcohol
    basically do not drink your calories!
    eat 3 meals and a snack.
    also watch sugar,carbs and fat.
  • This is my first attempt where I've had success. This website has been the reason. I started at the first of the year and set up ground rules for myself that I knew would be realistic and it's worked:
    1 - No fast food. If I am with someone who wants to go to a fast food restaurant I order what has the least calories on the menu.
    2 - I don't deprive myself of stuff I like. I just eat less of it. I still have Almond M&M's in a jar in my kitchen. But I know when I walk in there how many calories I have to play with, I put 4 or 6 of them in a little dish and I enjoy them and I'm done.
    3 - I don't eat out of the bag anymore. If I'm watching a movie, I put whatever snack I'm having in a bowl and when I'm done, I'm done.
    4 - I reward myself. Every ten pounds I have vowed to give myself a treat (non food), manicure, haircut, etc.
    5 - Nothing goes in my mouth that I don't log. If I don't know the exact calories (it's homemade, or something) I figure it out and record an estimate of the calories because little things add up quickly.
    6 - I actually read portion amounts and eat accordingly now. Who knew I was eating 3 bowls of cereal for breakfast instead of 1 since I was a child!?
    7 - I force myself to take the stairs, park further from the store, etc. Little things like that really do add up even if they seem insignificant.

    You just have to find what works for you and I wish you the best of luck with it!!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I am ready for some change. I have tried dieting before and I guess it's just that word diet that I can't stand. I am making a life change. I have about 20-40 pounds to lose. Does anyone have any advice on how to get through the first couple weeks without giving into food?

    Don't feel like you have to make all these changes at once. Use the food diary, evaluate where you are. Do some research into healthier options. Make a few changes, and continue making changes and don't ever stop.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    good advice from everyone. the first two weeks are tough but after that it gets easier and keep logging everything and drinks loads of water. you will notice that the weight starts to come off .
  • I've tried also. Dont give up on yourself. I agree, its a lifestyle. It will be hard but its not impossible. There are many success stories and you can be one. Log on here everyday, make time for yourself. Last month was the 1st month, i was on here consistently for 30 days, logging in everything! I thought i wasnt really making bad choices everyday but how come I'm not losing weight. Well, what I found out is I WAS GIVING IN to food. What I mean is I have bad eating habits that I need to get over. By logging in I found that these "little snacks" I was having here and there was taking me over the allowed intake on sugar which is terrible if you are truly trying to loose. I'm addicted to sugar and I was able to pinpoint that only because I logged in everyday. So, know that I know this I have made necessary adjustments. Drink hot decaf teas, they help me especially at night. Here and there when I feel like having something sweet, I go for a prune. I love chocolate so Im not depriving myself, I allow myself to have ONE hershey kiss, and boy is that a treat. :) Keep good foods in the house. Prepare and plan your day. I keep nuts in ziploc bags ready... throw them in your purse. I've lost almost 5 lbs so far... Wishing you the best
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