

  • I have frequent panic attack and just had an interview myself (I got the job). My doctor said exercise is the best way to combat anxiety. I would do a really intense workout a few hours before, get your heart rate high and your body might just say I've gotten worked up enough for today. Just remember everyone gets nervous…
  • I think it's a good idea, for three months I didn't see any weight changes because I was drinking on the weekends. Now that I quit drinking the weight is finally coming off. It helps me be more consistent with my workouts and contributes to a healthier life style all around. I now wake up Saturday morning and go for a bike…
  • The fourth kind is definitely the scariest movie I have ever seen, the fact that it's supposedly a true story and that they used clips of real recordings. I still leave a light on at night if i even think of the movie.
  • Very entertaining. Posting so I can recommend this thread to a friend.
  • From what I understand is that fat in the mid section can't be targeted. Ab exercises will just build muscle under the fat but cardio will get rid fat when your body decides to. For me i lose weight in my arms and face first before i notice a difference anywhere else and everyone is different. I would just keep doing what…
  • I think an important secret is to not beat yourself up if you have a "bad" fitness/diet day or even week. If I do that to myself it makes it so much easier to give up completely. My weekends are usually a mess when it comes to sticking to a diet but I am just beginning so I have to give myself a break and know that it…
  • After I had my son and was at my biggest weight my ex SIL said (without being asked her opinion) "dont worry hunny you'll lose the weight eventually" and then brought me big box of size 4 clothing that she didnt wear anymore because she was a size2...I was still wearing size 16. I resent her for that but at the same time I…
  • I've had the same question because before I started tracking on this site (only been a member for 5days) my weight would vary by 10lbs throughout a month so I'm afraid of being discouraged because if I lose 10lbs I wont know if its my hard work or just my scale playing tricks on my mind. I'd like to hear from more people…
  • My 20th birthday my now ex gave me a porno and lingerie...who's birthday did he think it was??? I was so mad at his selfish idea of a gift that I went straight to the dumpster of our appt complex and threw it away.