TiffanyRMiller Member


  • Maybe, if you have the time and the desire, you could suggest that to the hospital where your husband has his chemo. You could use some of the time there to talk to people, maybe visit some of the waiting rooms and ask those that are there to sign a petition or something. I am sure there are many people who could use the…
  • I am encouraged to hear that your son is doing well. My lifelong friends 16 year old son was just diagnosed with medulloblastoma and just started radiation. I am going to share your story with her! They have high hopes and a good prognosis but someone else's positive outcome will sure help!
  • Way to go, Nikki! What a positive attitude! Thoughts are with you and your husband during this difficult time! May he find the strength to endure his treatment and recover fully, so that you may finish this journey you started together!
  • I zumba 3 times a week and love it! I am toning up and my belly is getting flatter! It's fun and the hour goes by very quickly.
  • I even chart alcohol, which is not consumed on a regular basis and I take no Rx meds. I have been thinking about seeing the doctor but thought I would give it a couple more weeks of charting so I can print out my diary and take it with me. Thanks for your advice! I will probably be seeking bloodwork sooner than later!
  • That makes a lot of sense about the calories. Thanks!
  • I do have a watch that I use and my calories are way higher on the HRM than on MFP. How do I know which one I should be using or should I average the two numbers?
  • That was a great article. I just wonder how many of my exercise calories I should actually eat back? I also exercise in the evening and I am always very wary of eating this late?!
  • Yes, I have a food scale and use it regularly. I also measure everything and put EVERYTHING in my diary. I am not even counting my calories burned (they are just a bonus to me)
  • I just force myself to do it. Seems to help ease my cramping. Good luck!
  • Thanks for sharing! This thread has inspired me to dust off the crossbow in the basement and learn how to use it!
  • Very interesting information. I am struggling with not losing at all, even though I am doing aerobic activity 6 days a week and staying within my calorie range everyday. It was suggested to me that because I am not eating all of my exercise calories back (which seems like a catch 22 to me) that I am actually starving my…