

  • My gym doesn't actually do classes. Which is sad, since I always loved doing the classes where I used to live! My favorites were 30/30 and kickboxing!
  • Definitely good advice. From everyone. You're right. I guess everyone sees results as long as they're putting in the work. I think it's just really easy for someone who is clueless to second guess themselves after reading advice from 'experts'.
  • First of all, it's SO GOOD that you're starting early! Lots of young adults don't really think about taking their health into their own hands. I know I didn't. Also, I agree with what everyone here says. I thought it'd be too hard to cut down on what I was eating, but I've learned that I don't have to cut out everything I…
  • Oh my gosh, I did this exact same thing last week. Except it was McDonalds and a strawberry milkshake for 700 calories when I was already on my way to a lunch meeting. I pretend like I can't resist, but I KNOW I can. I am always afraid people will judge me, too, and totally embarrassed about my habits. Thanks for sharing.…
  • I've actually never admitted it until now either. Hopefully that's a good first step. Thanks, I'm glad to see someone else here who has overcome this!
  • Thanks, that topic was really helpful! I know there are no "bad" foods per se.. but for me, eating those high calorie foods makes it much harder for me to gauge what I should be eating the rest of the day. You're right, though, I shouldn't demonize the foods, I should just be more careful about how I consume them. Seeing…
  • I'm the same way! It's so easy to look in the mirror and say "whatever, it's not as bad as it could be, let's have pizza for dinner." I can't stick to a diet or fitness plan at all, I just get lazy and bored and try to convince myself that I'm fine the way I am. But my joints ache from sitting all day and my belly is out…
  • I am really small, but I have a big belly. I always have. I usually hide it under jackets or hoodies, but for some reason when people first notice they ALWAYS have to say something. The first time was when I was probably 11. A friend from school came over unexpectedly, took one look at me, and said "damn, you got a chunky…