This is fine for an evening wedding. There will be women at the wedding that look inappropriate but it won't be you.
I can't ban any foods because eventually I will cheat. My goal is to just keep things like deep dish pizza few and far between.
I wore size 16 bottoms at 198 (and at 188 still) and my tops were mostly L. I have a big booty though so it takes me a lot of weight to change sizes.
I don't really worry about logging things under 10 calories anymore but when I first started I was a lot more obsessive about it. I think it really helped teach me at the start what was in things and be able to adjusting my eating habits better. As you get further on though and know what you limits are I would say it…
There was a cute long flowing skirt I wanted but they only had the color I wanted in the Junior's section. Just 6 months ago my 16Ws had been tight. I decided I would suck it up and attempt a Junior's XL and it fit! I am also at a M/L in the Misses section which is down from an XL or not at all.
Real Bacon.......Center Cut since it has the lowest fat and gets nice and crispy. 2 slices can be as low as 50 calories :)
To be 2 lbs of "fat" you would have needed to be 7000 calories over your maintenance so at least you know this isn't "real" weight gain. That means it is like the others have said and just water retention. So up your number of glasses a day. For example I normally aim for 10-12 but on and after a cheat day I try for 14-16…
Hand rolls! A salmon skin hand roll is only around 160. They tend to have a higher fish to rice ratio which is good while still giving you e feeling of regular sushi with the seaweed yumminess.
My sweat on my head doesn't have BO that goes with it so I don't wash 2x a day. I have thick long hair and it doesn't get greasy looking as quickly as those with thin hair so I can go longer between washes. Sometimes I will just rinse it or just use conditioner if it needs a pick me up.
That really is a huge difference. You are looking really great!
Feel free to add me :) I think we all need some positive encouragement to get through this.
At home I only have my iPad and you cannot upload photos to websites from an iPad. So it took me over a month to finally email myself a picture at work and then load it at work. So others could be having Apple induced problems :)
Sorry but sometimes Gas happens. As your body gets moving, more than just the blood gets circulating. I will admit I have released gas while on the elliptical...just understand that I didn't stand there saying "I sooo want to gross out the person next to me so I'm going to let it rip." It just happens sometimes by surprise…
Talk about the Wii fit destroying some confidence! Lol, I don't know if I will ever be below a BMI of 25 but we'll see. I'm just happy I can do a day at Disneyland without wanting to die the next because my body hurts so much, I can jog after my MIL on her electric scooter without being out of breath when she wants to…
I'm with you all on this not being a dating site! I come here for support on weight loss, nutrition and fitness not to be ranked in terms of hotness and find out who thinks I'm sexy. Had the gym gawker one time too. Bothered me to the point I changed machines halfway through my cardio.
In the IE I definitely recommend Lytle Creek...especially when it warms up enough to hike through the creek.
Jarred jalapeños are usually pickled jalapeños so the act of pickling will always kick the sodium up. Try putting sliced fresh jalapeños on your food though. It tends to add more heat and I like the flavor better. I've started cooking my lentils with chili powder and garlic powder to give them a kick. Really delicious.
If I wouldn't be disowned by mr grandpa I definitely think I would get a PI tatoo somewhere. A girl who works in my district has an infinity tattoo.
Volga German and Bohemian (Slovak)
Lentils. Keep in mind some people cannot get enough iron from food alone. I had been getting around 200% or more of my recommended everyday between food and my multi. Still, after two checks the doctor has me on one of the highest OTC iron pills you can get because I was still that low. Now I run 500% or more on iron…
I'm one :) Used disneyland yesterday to burn some calories :P
Manda. - I think it's how they're prepared. The bar I like serves them deep fried and have a great batter.
Shan - Gator is yummy! I have only had it Cajun style as well
Rocky Mountain Oysters!! They're delicious. Where my relatives ranch is there is a bar that has them as their specialty. So wish you could find them where I am.
The fiber "goal" on here should be looked at as a minimum amount of fiber intake. More won't hurt you at all. It can make you gassy if your system isn't used to it but it's a good thing.
Multigrain Cheerios give you a full days serving. Lots of iron in lentils too. I also take an iron supplement on top of everything I eat and on top of my multivitamin because food alone wasn't absorbing enough into my body.
Several of you need to check the last line of her post. The school gym is under construction.
I go with the machine. MFP doesn't know how hard you worked during that time, at what resistance and at what speed. For 33 minutes on the elliptical with interval resistance of 5&10 and going about 2.5 miles the machine usually tells me I have burned 365.
Water bottles and canned food. Look at the ounces and every 16 oz makes it a 1 lb weight. Get gallon jugs and now you are lifting much heavier weights. Or but multiple cans in a bag and work on lifting the bags. Also remember that you can burn the most with cardio and going for a walk or run costs nothing.
Air-popped popcorn or baby carrots. Not many calories, good fiber to keep you moving and I watch a movie with it.