raxelita Member


  • CW: 127 GW: 121
  • If you can just avoid flour (in bread, cookies, cakes, pizza, pasta etc)I think you'll get by fine and not have to worry so much about counting carbs. I'd still recommend eating some beans, rice, potatoes (sweet and reg), and starchy vegetables along with proteins and fruits, veg, nuts, and dairy.
    in Carbs Comment by raxelita September 2015
  • It's a tough workout tho. Not for beginners...
  • Really I find diff workouts for every day through youtube searches. You can usually tell what's good by the number of views a video gets. Try searching for say, "beginner 30 minute cardio workout" and you'll find a bunch of stuff and generally find one or two people or companies that you feel are best for you. I love…
  • open to friends. feel free to add
  • Need to lose maybe 5-7lbs and keep building muscle. Have decided to give up drinking for september to give this a boost.
  • -Shake with Vanilla Protein Powder, Almond Milk, Cocoa powder, ice -shake with banana, almond milk, almond butter, ice -plain yogurt with a tbs of lemon curd or jam -hot chocolate made with almond milk, a little honey, cocoa -chocolate steel cut oatmeal (mash up a banana and cook it up with the oats for sweetness) -baked…
  • Here's the thing, for me. Eating poorly, which for me *personally* is eating a lot of refined flour and sugar (especially four and sugar combined like in cookies and pastries) and fried foods, and not eating enough fresh vegetables, makes me feel bad. I get bloated, retain water, have less energy, and have a harder time…
  • Besides soups and chilis like others have mentioned... I do a lot of salads with bagged arugula, spinach, or kale, topped with roasted veggies and/or sweet potatoes (I roast up anything I have in the fridge one night a week, and throw the veggies cold over the salads),and maybe some crumbled goat cheese or hard parmesan,…
  • Fit test today too!
  • I'm a member at a gym but no longer go. Instead, I've bookmarked a ton of free home bodyweight and home circuit training routines from Fitsugar, Fitnessblender, and various blogs, and use all the moves from them to do intense 30-40 minute HIIT and strength workouts at home. Besides a pull up bar, I have no equipment. I've…
  • High-calorie, dairy free, healthier snacks that don't tend to fill me up or create bloat: -Guacamole! With homemade kale chips, sweet potato chips, root veg chips, or carrot sticks -Bacon, the nitrate free organic kind. The brand I buy is 80 calories per slice and three slices go down like nothing. -Almond butter, banana,…