Insanity Challenge! Join in!

Hi Everyone!

I posted in another thread that I was about to start the insanity 60 day challenge, and a few people reached out to me so I've decided to start a thread to maybe get a few people started on losing weight over the holidays instead of gaining! (Unless of course your using it to gain muscle weight)

So far I have lost 24/25 lbs in total, and my exercising has been patchy. I was loving running, but went away travelling and have since struggled with my running :S. So I decided enough was enough, I have to lose that last 26 lbs! I've seen some amazing Insanity results and can't wait for my own- but I know I need a little help on doing it everyday for 60 days! So I'm turning to the fitness pal community...

I have just completed the first Fit Test and it kicked my butt!

Anyone who wants to join in- please post below!


  • IveGotStitch
    IveGotStitch Posts: 6 Member
    Hi..., up for this thread. Just completed week 1!

    Man, even my eyelids sweat......:laugh:

    I want to loose about 20lbs and so I am using Insanity for a boost. I've lost about 25llb already through juicing and intermittent exercise. I want a strong fit body... Looking at others results is really inspiring.

    Very excited....
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    Yay! 1 week! Good luck. I'm already tired thinking about tomorrow.

    I've taken my before pictures and I am now counting down the days till the one month pictures. I couldn't find a tape measure though- so I better get on the hunt.
  • donnadondon
    donnadondon Posts: 16 Member
    Just finished first week of insanity enjoyed it but ouch it hurt day off before the madness starts again monday lost 2lb first week :)
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
  • JennMyersOrtner
    JennMyersOrtner Posts: 6 Member
    Insanity is such a great workout! My hubby and I have done it and are now doing Focus T25 also created by Shaun T :)
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I'm starting it again for the second time tomorrow...well the fit test is tomorrow. I completed it once before in the summer and since then I have been totally lost so decided to suck it up and do it again since I felt sane the first time....yes that's right...I felt sane doing

    Anyways i'm hoping that it will get my mind back on track and as much as I would like to lose another 20 lbs I just don't think my body is built for that and I just want to be stronger.
  • Wise_Little_Owl
    Wise_Little_Owl Posts: 18 Member
    Hi guys,

    I have lost 18lbs so far with JM extreme shed and shred and still looking to lose a further 15-20lb.

    Did start Insanity in September and completed 9 days...then went on holiday and fell off the wagon!!! Have not gained any weight back, which is great, but really feeling like I need to get back into working out. Am determined to complete the full sixty days from tomorrow!

    Good luck everyone - we can do it !! :)
  • jujubar
    Hello! I'm new here & I'd love to join this challenge as extra motivation. I started insanity in the last week of Sept. I followed it to a T for the first month but then I get the flu. Then kids got sick, then I got sick again lol .... You get the idea! But I'd love to restart it and complete the full program!
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    Definitely start again jujubar!

    I did day 2, I don't think I've ever ached this much from a workout- and I've done tonnes. I know it wont get easier but I cant wait till my body is more used to it! I wanted to avoid protein shakes etc as I don't believe in powders and stuff- but my friends swear by it after a work out so I'm going to give it a shot.

    I'm finding the nutrition plan harder to stick to- I'm just not used to eating so much food after all this dieting! But the body needs it...

    Good luck everyone! Even crossing out day 2 on my calendar felt amazing.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Count me in!! I wrap up week 1 tomorrow. This is my 1st time doing it for 60 days, I've done some of the workouts in the past as a hybrid with p90x.
  • mtbke5
    mtbke5 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm just starting the second month. I have done it three or four times already,
  • jujubar
    Great! I'm excited & super motivated to restart tomorrow :-)
    I used to have abs & run marathons, even after my first child but I let life get in the way. No excuses anymore, Let's do this :-D
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    In! Completing fit test tonight
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I'm starting insanity tomorrow!
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    my daughter bought me insanity last year for xmas and I have only gotten as far as the third workout.. starting it today . it is going to be a long haul
  • jujubar
    Finished my fitness test this morning! Results ... Not so great lol!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I also did fit test today. It wasn't as bad as I thought.
  • Wise_Little_Owl
    Wise_Little_Owl Posts: 18 Member
    Guys, are we going to set up an official group somehow?
  • raxelita
    raxelita Posts: 12 Member
    Fit test today too!
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    Starting week 2 tonight!!! count me in!!