Kimo0590 Member


  • Oh ok then I admit I have probably been eating more than I am logging and starting today I will be reallt serious about logging and measure everything. Its my ttm this week so I hope that I can contrain myself when those hormones kick in. Wish me luck and thanks everyone!
  • I am doing 21 day fix for 30 mins a day. And I dont have a food scale I am looking to invest in one.
  • I started it yesterday. I am in SO much pain. Hope it is worth it in the end
  • Omg. My first was good but the pain afterwards...I can barely get in and out of my car and steps forgetaboutit
  • Hi everyone. Feel free to add me. My job makes it hard to log but I always log my exercises. I log it as circuit training and I use my Hrm to record ly calories burned. T25 started off slow for me but I am finally getting results. SW- 163.8 CW- 161.2 GW- 130.0 So I've lost 2.6 pounds and I just completed week 3 so that is…
  • Started week 3 of alpha definitely getting better with my form but still can't move as fast as those guys on tv. But I sm getting there. Lost 1.6 pounds so far and I hope to lose more as the weeks go by.
  • Finished week 2 of alpha and have only lost 1 pound and half an inch off my waist and a quarter inch off my hips. A little disappointing but even if I lose only 5 pounds it will be great. It's still a great program and I will keep going
  • Hey I did week 2 day 2 today (Monday) and tbc was insane but I felt the same as you where I think I did better with the workout this time than before. It's really one of the best workouts I've ever done. But so far T25 has been going great.
  • Hello everyone. I completed week one of the Alpha phase and I loved it. I love the different workouts and that I was still feeling soreness in my abs TWO DAYS after doing ab intervals so thats great. I am currently on my ToM and I try not to be too active during this time so I will be starting week two in a couple days. I…
  • Yea the first day was difficult but afterwards you love thsat you've worked out so hard in short amount of time and look forward to doing it again. But just be prepared for total body circuit it is quite intense.
  • Oh thanks guys. Some great advice and I do believe that calorie deficit and exercise are the way to go. I just wanted to know wat to do with the spare pills I have since I have yet to trash them. Thanks for ur input everybody!
  • Thanks all of you for your input it really makes it seem easy to eat the right things even when I don't have control over what is bought. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I will be taking all of it into consideration.
  • Thanks guyz these are some really good ideas. Keep em coming!
  • Hi! I am definitely open to new friends and helping each other out. Let's rock this!
  • Hey guyz! Looking for some friends to add and to support each other. Am 23 and always open to meeting new ppl. Let's do it together. :smooched:
  • Hey 25 pounds is my first goal. Be glad to help!
  • My heaviest is 181 pounds, my lightest would have to be around 125 - 130. My current weight is 172 and my goal is be 130 again
  • Hi my Name is Kimo and I am a Virgin Islander. I just started MFP last week and I absoluetly love this app. Feel free to add me. I love meeting new people and we can support each other along the way. :smile: