kakemono Member


  • Saute kale in small amount of water. Add generous amounts of sea salt Slather with kerrygold butter.
  • I like Unsweetened Almond Milk or Full-Fat Coconut Milk. Some people with lactose intolerance can handle some milk. You may look at getting raw milk from specific cows not containing A1 casein, but only A2 casein... or goat milk.
  • Daily: Fermented Cod Liver Oil - 1 tsp High Vitamin Butter Oil - 2 Capsules Vitamin C - 1 Gram Liquid Sublingual Vitamin D3 - 5000iu Homemade Bone Broth - 8 oz On days I work out, before bed: ZMA Serrapeptase One per week to address specific nutrient deficiencies: Zinc 50mg Chromium 300mg
  • Well, if you are counting macros, you can't just ignore it - it is a fat and you need to count it like you would any other food. Between eggs and coconut oil, I would go with egg yolks over coconut oil. As long as they are pastured eggs, the variety of amino acids, minerals, and other things in egg yolks lends them to be…
  • I can't think of a supplement, but Fish probably could cover most of that - not that it has all you need though. If you are deficient in iron, I wouldn't necessarily only look to supplement it. Consider that you may have poor iron absorption. Iron from meat is 30-40% absorbed. Iron from plants is 3% absorbed. Vitamin C…
  • Bulletproof Coffee. 1 Cup Coffee 2 Tbsp Grassfed Butter 1 Tbsp MCT Oil (can substitute coconut oil if you don't have MCT on hand) Homemade Chocolate. 1 Cup cocoa butter 1 Cup cocoa powder 1/4 cup honey Homemade Chocolate IN Bulletproof coffee <3
  • I like making the seasoning for taco meat and just eating the taco meat by itself. You could probably just buy seasoning packets if you are lazy though.
  • Of course that is yummy, it sounds like a pile of sugar.
  • Pros: Relaxes your jaw and neck while lifting weights. This is a common tactic to keep these relaxed when you should be focusing on the muscle being worked. Chewing gum doesn't 'work out' your neck and isn't going to be a game breaker either way. If you want to chew it, then do it. If you don't then don't chew it. The…