What are the pros/cons to chewing gum while exercising?

Ello everyone. I posted this question on Yahoo answers, but I feel like this might be the best place to ask this question.

I'm trying my best to get back in the right shape and jogging quite daily as much as possible.

From what I remember, I heard chewing sugar free gum will help cut down cravings of food/sweets, and reduce calorie intake since it doesn't supposedly have any, and would be helpful if you want to reduce your double chin.

The only con I can think of is that, despite being sugar free, it could damage your teeth. :ohwell:

I would really like to lose any possible weight, both body and facial, ( I have a bit of double chin and chubby cheeks ) and wanted to know if their any pros/cons outweigh each other from chewing gum.

So if anyone can tell me anything, I would really appreciated it. :smile:


  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Sugar Alcohols may cause.... Gastric Distress. Most Sugarless gums are 5 calories a stick/piece which could add up if you are constantly chewing gum or grabbing 4-5 pieces at a time to blow bubbles.

    Also, I know from personal experience that chewing gum while you are running plays havoc on your pace and cadence, but maybe I just can't run and chew gum at the same time.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I do this,,, It does not matter what exercise I do,, I CHEW GUMM AL THE TIME.
  • kakemono
    kakemono Posts: 9 Member
    Pros: Relaxes your jaw and neck while lifting weights. This is a common tactic to keep these relaxed when you should be focusing on the muscle being worked.

    Chewing gum doesn't 'work out' your neck and isn't going to be a game breaker either way. If you want to chew it, then do it. If you don't then don't chew it. The calories from gum are going to be minuscule compared so something as benign as whether you eat a carrot or not.
  • Navolin
    Navolin Posts: 10
    Thank you everyone for your quick post. To be honest, I don't have that much desire to chew gum, especially since the only flavor I have right now is key lime pie ( not a huge fan of it ) and want to keep a healthy teeth. but I do really want to lose the double chin and chubby cheeks. XD

    I guess if I just exercise normally, it should reduce those two by such means.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I can't stand people who walking around chewing their gum like a cow chews it's cud. It's disgusting.

    I used to do it all the time- but now it just seems like it's a pain in the neck- interferes with my breathing- and it can be a choking hazard.
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    I chew it while jogging to stop my mouth from getting so dry so fast, but that's it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Chewing gum won't make you lose weight and it certainly won't tone up your face and neck! If you want to chew gum and like chewing gum then chew gum. I'm like the person who can't run and chew at the same time!
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I almost always end up biting my cheek when I chew gym while exercising.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I chew gum to prevent dry mouth.

    Don't choke on it :sick:
  • Rerun201
    Rerun201 Posts: 125 Member
    Biggest con I can think of is a choking hazard.
  • Navolin
    Navolin Posts: 10
    I've personally have never been a fan of chewing gum myself. XD

    My sister turned me way off of it after she chews it loudly with her mouth open, and haven't chewed one since :laugh: , but thought it may be some benefactor to it on exercising.

    I had more on intention while exercising, if there was more ways to work the neck and jaw as well.
    From what I can think of, I probably could do more breathing exercise and yoga for such.

    If anyone have more opinion on such let me know. ^.^
  • becausemexico
    becausemexico Posts: 20 Member
    Chew a gum like Orbit, one that's backed by the ADA. It's sugar-free so it won't damage your teeth. Actually, the ADA supports certain gums because they stimulate saliva flow which is good for your mouth.
  • Navolin
    Navolin Posts: 10
    Chew a gum like Orbit, one that's backed by the ADA. It's sugar-free so it won't damage your teeth. Actually, the ADA supports certain gums because they stimulate saliva flow with is good for your mouth.

    Ah, I will keep that in mind. :smile:
  • babe077
    babe077 Posts: 16 Member
    I chew gum during every workout. I find that it distracts me a bit, keeps my mouth from getting dry, and keeps me from biting my tongue. There have been some unfortunate cases of people choking on it while doing lifting excersises (doesn't happen to me) but be careful nonetheless