

  • You can weigh yourself a few times a week if you want but always make sure that you are weighing yourself in the morning because that is your true weight,.
  • A lot has personally changed. I was never overweight but i wanted to become more fit and certain areas of my body had more fat than i wanted. I was always self conscious of myself but not after only a few months of change, I have become much more confident and i know longer get paniced easily. I can wear sweatpants but…
  • Yes typically they are the ones with faster metabolism and it could be that they eat less, but genetics definitely takes play. Also keep in mind that is not always healthy or good because those that dont exercise have a lot of visceral (inner body) fat that you cannot visibly see.
  • Eat clean and healthy while having what you want but in moderation. Drink lots of water! Exercise- personally HIIT workouts always proove most effective. They are short but intense and continuously burn fat for the next day. Eliminate any refined sugars Reduce carbs but dont completely eliminate them. Just the combination…
  • I have also been a huge stress eater before too. i would say that first off, you may want to have everything in moderation so try to discipline yourself into not having a whole milky maybe half. Also exercising and simple things like jogging really get your mind off things so try simple moves at home to relieve stress. If…
  • You cannot spot reduce so you will end up having to loose weight overall. I will say though that it really depends on how hard you work to loose the weight because I've seen people take 4 months even a year. Less and more as well. If you want to loose weight fat, weight lifting will help increase muscle. more muscle leads…
  • When I decided to get fit, I had this exact same issue. I was completely under calories and always tired, but I still managed to loose weight with more calorie consumption. As any human 1200 calories should be your very minimum. Eat more but more of vegetables and healthy foods. consuming fruit helps to you keep you from…
  • That is perfectly fine! It is okay to slip once in a while. No one is continuously eating healthy. Everyone has cravings and stopping yourselft from what you want all the time would only be stressful. you can always work on getting back on track. Eating lots of vegetables and fruits the next day should help and if you are…
  • If you want loose weight, I do not sugguest cutting down the amount you eat. Eat lot but healthy. If you want to loose weight or even get toned, you will have to make sacrifices and eat more clean. You can't eat less but enjoy hamburgers and pizza. Dieting is all about balance so as long as you eat healthy and what you…
  • Loosing weight while lifting is definitely not easy. If you still have more weight you want to loose, you probably should do other exercises or HIIT workouts to burn fat for long periods of time. I am not a professional but from what I know, lifting weights will only build muscle. So muscle mass will weigh more, you…
  • I forgot to mention that drinking a lot of water will also help.
  • You may want to make sure you are consuming enough calories throughout the day and eat as clean as possible while having what you want in moderation. I have had this issue and a lot of times it could be that something in your food is not right for you or digestion issues. If you have no stomach problems, it could just be…
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