

  • I do aerobic exercise for 30-40 mins 4-5 times a week.
  • Thanks for that . Will go on that site and have a look now.
  • I am also in the UK and we are advised that to maintain a healthy weight our daily calories should be 2000 a day and to lose weight we should have 1000-1200 a day .Years ago I used to diet on 1000 calories but now I'm older I am happier on 12000. So good luck with your dieting and congratulations on losing 4lbs.
  • Sorry to be a pain but the calories you get from exercise do you eat those, if so do you still manage to lose weight ? or is it better to just leave them in the hope you will lose more weight as the calories you have burned are a bonus to weight loss. Hope this make sense.
  • Hi, Thank you both for your replies.Perhaps I am just finding it hard this week because I must admit I've been pigging out quite a bit lately . Hence why I need to lose weight, food has become a substitute for the old ciggie.Hopefully my body will start to adjust to the lower calories allowance and I will find it a bit…
  • well I'm just under 5 foot and MFP told me 1200 a day .If it's such a problem why are they doing it !!!!!!
  • Hi Nikki, My name is Chris and I joined the site on Saturday. Have you got much to lose? I've got 2.5 stones to lose to get back to the weight I like to be, and was, before giving up smoking and having heart surgery.I bought the hairy bikes diet book and use that for most of my dinner recipes.The rest of the time I use the…
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