

  • Shall I start a group', so it's easier for us to check in... Maybe... If I am feeling brave I will take some photos ;) for my eyes only haha. Xxx
  • Haha it's a nightmare with a little one isn't it! My little girl has just become a little more independent so I am hoping that she might be ok for 20 mins in her jumperoo watching me jump around... Ok 30 so i can go cool down in the kitchen too! ;) I might do Sunday as a rest day of I am feeling it witephantom, hopefully I…
  • Hi- trying to loose baby weight plus more. Had our Daughter in August. Have 4 stone to loose approx. be happy with 3. Need motivation desperately! X
  • Fab! I really want to do it! I managed a week but with a 5 month old I made excuses and stopped! Time to drag the yoga mat out from behind the telly! :) let's do it!nhow did you get on last time? We can start the challenge on Saturday :) xx
  • I'm in! I'd liketo loose 20lb by then! Xxx
  • I challenge myself to loose 28lb by the 6th July- I have lost 8 lb so far so 20 to go!! I am challenging myself to walk at least a mile a day and If I can't get out to run the stairs. Need to motivate myself to do a 30 day shred challenge!
  • Hi there! I have 4 stone to loose! 3 to be comfortable with. I too have strong motivations. Largely for my 5 month old daughter. I am breast feeding too which I think is an energy zapper and I have gotten into some really bad habits. Half way through my first week using Mfp. It keeps telling me I will be a stone lighter in…
  • Let's all be geeky friends together! I'm a different form of geek! I like crime thriller novels and real life stories but can barely get through 2 pages at the moment with a 5 month old angel, and a tip of a house! Have little or NO motivation to exercise. All I do at the moment is a lot of walking with the pram! I have 4…
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