30 day shred?

I need motivation!!! Anyone interested in joining me in doing this and we can motivate each other!


  • I'd like to join you :) I have the DVD but my DVD player is currently broken. I can get it taken care of by Saturday though. I never followed through for the whole 30 days so it will be nice to have someone else to help keep me accountable!
  • Fab! I really want to do it! I managed a week but with a 5 month old I made excuses and stopped! Time to drag the yoga mat out from behind the telly! :) let's do it!nhow did you get on last time? We can start the challenge on Saturday :) xx
  • I was horrible last time, I don't even think I did 3 days in a row! I'm super motivated now and have followed through on other things I've implemented since the beginning of the year (going primal/paleo, dairy-free, gluten-free). Going 30 days straight on the shred will be a great goal for me to meet!
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I'll do it! Lord knows it'll give me a better workout than I've been getting recently! ;) I won't do it EVERY day... maybe just every day but Friday and Sunday? I know I need a couple of days in there to rest those muscles, and Fridays I do my karate class anyway. :)
  • The more the merrier!
  • dalekhunter
    dalekhunter Posts: 31 Member
    It's 20 minutes. I did day one this morning. It took me 31 minutes because my 3 year old needed something every 2 minutes. Like seriously!?! I thought trying to do 25 minutes of T25 and 30 minutes of P90X3 was impossible. I can't even get 20 minutes uninterrupted for the 30DS.
  • Haha it's a nightmare with a little one isn't it! My little girl has just become a little more independent so I am hoping that she might be ok for 20 mins in her jumperoo watching me jump around... Ok 30 so i can go cool down in the kitchen too! ;) I might do Sunday as a rest day of I am feeling it witephantom, hopefully I can power through but we will see! What do all the abbreviations mean dalekhunter?
  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in! I've been wanting to get back to it but keep saying tomorrow...but now I will really do it!
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    My daughter thinks 39 day shred time is play time... It's really frustrating having to pause and refocus her then return to jillians workout! It doesn't feel very effective, but I will keep going :)
  • Shall I start a group', so it's easier for us to check in... Maybe... If I am feeling brave I will take some photos ;) for my eyes only haha. Xxx
  • dalekhunter
    dalekhunter Posts: 31 Member
    Focus T25 is a beachbody program and so is P90X3.
  • Linda6580
    Linda6580 Posts: 192 Member
    i'm in! I am actually on my 7th day, But will join for the motivation. Dalekhunter, I know what you mean, I have a 5 & 7 year old that seem to get into everything once my attention is not on them, also our 6 month old puppy thinks i am playing with him! The other day i was doing the crunches and he used my stomach as a springboard to jump onto the bed! At least my stomach was tight so it didn't hurt so bad:)
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    You don't need the DVD, her videos can be found online and for free! Youtube BeFit channel has them as well. Good luck!
  • dalekhunter
    dalekhunter Posts: 31 Member
    EdenSienna, I'm 5'7", 136 lbs and I burned 256 calories this morning doing the shred for a very unfocused 30 minutes. I have a chest heart rate monitor. I was worried about the burn at first for such a short workout but I think it'll be okay for 30 days. I might still do my P90X3 today too.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    I will be doing day 4 of level 2 tonight!! You can do it!! And so can everyone else. I have a 11 month, who is starting to walk and wants to be everywhere around the house. I usually do my workouts at night, my baby will either be sleeping, in him jumperoo or with daddy. If he's in his jumperoo, he's complaining the whole time >.< Even though I'm a little ahead already, I'm still in, I could use the motivation!!
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Shall I start a group', so it's easier for us to check in... Maybe... If I am feeling brave I will take some photos ;) for my eyes only haha. Xxx

    There are a few groups already. Just search 30 day shred.